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为寻找便于农村教育与卫生工作者掌握的简易智力测验方法,我们对江阴县西郊公社中心小学五年制小学毕业班40名学生(男18人、女22人,年龄11~14岁)和西郊中学初三毕业班学生44名(男23名、女21名,年龄14~16岁)进行了多项智力测定,现将记忆力与学习成绩关系对照观察的结果作一报导。一、方法先告知被检学生要看10个图形(如三角形、方形、园形等),嘱其按顺序记住,然后给他们看图形30秒钟,视毕撤去。要他们立即按顺序在纸上画出,并以秒表记录从动笔画到其不想再画的这一段时间。全部学生检查完毕后,再查阅被检学生上学期语文、数学(初中生为代数、几何)的总评成绩。二、小学生组内比较我们把画出9~10个图形的12人作为甲组(男5人,女6人),画出5~6个图形的8人为乙组。甲组学生语文、数学平均成绩分别为77.57分和82.83分;乙组学生语文为65.65分、数学 In order to find a simple intelligence test method which is convenient for rural education and health workers, we have 40 students (18 males and 22 females, aged 11 to 14 years old) who graduated from primary schools of five-year primary schools in the western suburbs of Jiangyin County A total of 44 students (23 males, 21 females, aged 14 to 16 years) from the third graduation class in the western suburbs attended a number of intelligence tests. The results of the comparative observation of memory and academic performance are now reported. First, the method to be informed of the students to be seized to see 10 graphics (such as triangles, squares, parks, etc.), told the order in mind, and then give them a look at the graphics for 30 seconds, depending on the Bi removed. Ask them to draw immediately and sequentially on the paper, and record the follower stroke with the stopwatch for the time they do not want to paint again. After all students check, and then seized seized students semester language, math (junior high school students algebra, geometry) of the total score. Second, the primary school group comparison We draw 12 to 9 to 10 graphics as a group (male 5, female 6), draw 5 to 6 graphics for the B group. Group A students’ language, math average scores were 77.57 points and 82.83 points; Group B student language was 65.65 points, math