Does a combined intervention program of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation and intensive o

来源 :Neural Regeneration Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:z245713805
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Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation(LF-r TMS) to the contralesional hemisphere and intensive occupational therapy(i OT) have been shown to contribute to a significant improvement in upper limb hemiparesis in patients with chronic stroke. However, the effect of the combined intervention program of LF-r TMS and i OT on cognitive function is unknown. We retrospectively investigated whether the combined treatment influence patient’s Trail-Making Test part B(TMT-B) performance, which is a group of easy and inexpensive neuropsychological tests that evaluate several cognitive functions. Twenty-five patients received 11 sessions of LF-r TMS to the contralesional hemisphere and 2 sessions of i OT per day over 15 successive days. Patients with right- and left-sided hemiparesis demonstrated significant improvements in upper limb motor function following the combined intervention program. Only patients with right-sided hemiparesis exhibited improved TMT-B performance following the combined intervention program, and there was a significant negative correlation between Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale total score change and TMT-B performance. The results indicate the possibility that LF-r TMS to the contralesional hemisphere combined with i OT improves the upper limb motor function and cognitive function of patients with right-sided hemiparesis. However, further studies are necessary to elucidate the mechanism of improved cognitive function. Low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (LF-r TMS) to the contralesional hemisphere and intensive occupational therapy (i OT) have been shown to contribute to a significant improvement in upper limb hemiparesis in patients with chronic stroke. However, the effect of the combined retrospectively investigated whether the combined treatment affect patient’s Trail-Making Test part B (TMT-B) performance, which is a group of easy and inexpensive neuropsychological tests that evaluate several cognitive functions. Twenty-five patients received 11 sessions of LF-r TMS to the contralesional hemisphere and 2 sessions of i OT per day over 15 successive days. Patients with right- and left-sided hemiparesis demonstrated significant improvement in upper limb motor function following the combined intervention program. Only patients with right-sided hemiparesis impregnated TMT-B performance followi ng the combined intervention program, and there was a significant negative correlation between Fugl-Meyer Assessment scale total score change and TMT-B performance. The results indicate the possibility that LF-r TMS to the contralesional hemisphere combined with i OT improves the upper limb motor function and cognitive function of patients with right-sided hemiparesis. However, further studies are necessary to elucidate the mechanism of improved cognitive function.
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