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李鸿仁先生的复式住宅理论,是对我们传统住宅设计的一种革新,其卓越的经济性和惊人的使用面积系数是有目共睹。但它并不是完美无缺的,以3.3m的层高、1.2m的睡眠高度设计,从心理上说是难以让所有的人都能接受的。 针对最具争议的室内高度,我们进行了小尝试,用不同的层高异向组合(客厅2.6m,厨餐、睡卧2.1m),以户均层高3.4m获得普遍接受的室内高度(图1)。并由此推出新一代复式住宅——异位复式住宅。 异位复式住宅的实质是两个相向凸凹的复式住宅的上下组合(图2)。其核心是卫生间固定放在中间,而上下二户的厨餐、厅室相向搁置,使不同的层高优化异位组合(图3)。 异位复式住宅是常规复式理论的异化, Mr. Li Hongren’s duplex residential theory is an innovation of our traditional residential design. Its excellent economic performance and astonishing use area coefficient are obvious to all. However, it is not perfect. It is designed with a height of 3.3 meters and a sleep height of 1.2 meters. It is psychologically difficult for all people to accept. In view of the most controversial indoor heights, we made a small attempt to obtain a universally accepted indoor height by using a different storey height combination (living room 2.6m, kitchen meal, sleeping position 2.1m) at a per-storey ceiling height of 3.4m ( figure 1). And thus introduced a new generation of duplex residential - Eccentric duplex residential. The essence of an eclectic compound dwelling is the up-and-down combination of two oppositely-facing penthouses (Figure 2). The core is that the bathroom is fixed in the middle, while the kitchen and dining rooms of the upper and lower two households are placed side by side, so that the different floor heights can be optimized for ex-situ combinations (Figure 3). Ectopic duplex residence is the alienation of conventional compound theory.
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