
来源 :中国蔬菜 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:maryren
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我国加入WTO以来,蔬菜出口呈增长态势,2002、2003、2004年蔬菜出口额分别为26.33、30.68、37.96亿美元,年均增长20.1%。山东作为全国蔬菜出口第一大省,更是一年上一个台阶,2002年出口创汇7.73亿美元,2003年达9.84亿美元,2004年达12.49亿美元,年增长率超过全国平均水平。近几年是蔬菜进口国技术壁垒和进口设限最多的时期,也恰恰是山东蔬菜出口发展最快的时期。为什么?山东省菜篮子办公室主任刘成禄先生在谈到“绿色壁垒”应对措施时说我们在与进口国积极交涉的同时,认真抓了出口蔬菜产品的生产、收获、贮藏、加工、包装、运销全过程的标准化操作,促使多数出口加工企业按国际标准安排生产基地、指导生产、严格产品检测,建立起保障产品质量的运作模式,从而保证了出口产品的质量。这一时期,山东蔬菜出口企业发生了质的变化,变化的焦点是由指责进口国设限转向自身工作的改进与提高,标志着蔬菜生产、加工企业的操作已逐渐与国际市场接轨。在调查研究的基础上,我们总结了山东省两个出口企业的运作模式,其经验有共性,可供借鉴。 Since China’s accession to the WTO, the export of vegetables has been on the rise. The export value of vegetables in 2002, 2003 and 2004 were respectively 26.33, 30.68 and 37.96 billion US dollars, an average annual increase of 20.1%. As the largest province of vegetable exports in the country, Shandong even went up a step up from the previous year. In 2002, Shandong earned a total volume of export of 773 million U.S. dollars, reaching 984 million U.S. dollars in 2003 and 1,249 million U.S. dollars in 2004, an annual growth rate exceeding the national average. In recent years, vegetable importers and technical barriers to import the most restrictive period, it is precisely the fastest growing period of Shandong’s vegetable exports. Why? Liu Liu, director of the Office of Shandong Province, said when talking about “Green Barrier” measures, he said that while engaging in active negotiations with the importing countries, he earnestly scratched the whole process of production, harvest, storage, processing, packaging and distribution of exported vegetable products Standardization operation, prompting the majority of export processing enterprises to arrange production bases in accordance with international standards, guide the production, strict product testing, establish a mode of operation to ensure product quality, thus ensuring the quality of export products. During this period, Shandong vegetable exporters have undergone a qualitative change. The focus of the change is that they accused the importing country of restricting themselves to the improvement and improvement of their work, marking that the operation of vegetable production and processing enterprises has gradually become integrated with the international market. Based on the investigation and study, we summarize the operation modes of the two export enterprises in Shandong Province. Their experiences are in common and can be used for reference.
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