值此新年、新世纪、新的千年之始,我们欢欣与奋勉之情交集。有言道:“21世纪是中国的世纪”。我们以为,21世纪是机遇与挑战并存的世纪,更属于把握机遇、迎接挑战、拼搏创造的人们。 回望20世纪的中国:前半个世纪,人民历经沧桑,以艰苦卓绝的斗争赢得了民族的独立和人民的解放,建立了共和国,后半个世纪,人民奋发图强地开展社会主义建设,特别是改革开放二十年来,中国的物质文明和精神文明建设取得了举世瞩目的成就。百年中国,历史波
On this New Year, the new century and the beginning of a new millennium, we are happy and excited. There is a saying: “The 21st century is the century of China.” We believe that the 21st century is the century in which both opportunities and challenges coexist, and more people who seize the opportunities and meet the challenges and strive hard to create. Looking back at China in the 20th century: In the first half of the century, the people have experienced vicissitudes of life and won the national independence and liberation of the people with the arduous struggle. The latter half a century saw the people working hard to carry out socialist construction, especially the reform and opening up In the past two decades, China has made remarkable achievements in material and spiritual civilization. Hundred years of China, history wave