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在德育教学中,假如教师拥有动态、鲜活的教学资源,将有利于促进学生领会知识,提高知识应用能力,也有利于盘活课堂教学,体现以人为本的教学理念,实现“堂堂都精彩,课课有新意”的教学目标。那么,怎样才能开发富有灵性和魅力的教学资源呢?我认为,最重要的是贯彻“三贴近”(贴近生活、贴 In the teaching of moral education, if teachers have dynamic and fresh teaching resources, it will be helpful to promote students to understand knowledge and improve their ability to apply knowledge. It is also conducive to activating classroom teaching and embodying people-oriented teaching concept, Lessons new “teaching goal. So, how to develop the spiritual and charismatic teaching resources? I think the most important thing is to implement ”three close to" (close to life, paste
Physical designing of the pre-chopper in CSNS LEBT is carried out,which includes the deflecting voltage,the length and the width of the deflecting plates,and th
摘 要:技师学校在发展过程中存在诸多问题,尤其是教师发展体制严重影响制约着教师的可持续发展。从技师学院教师发展的缺陷入手,详细阐述并分析了原因,旨在通过分析技师学院教师队伍的现状及其独特性,研究技师学院教务处增设OTA(Office of Teacher Advancement,教师促进办公室)职能的必要性以及可行性,帮助和促进教师的教学、科研,对教师的职业生涯规划提供帮助。因为所探讨的问题在技师
This study uses Daya Bay RPCs operating in streamer mode to investigate gas mixtures of at least 50% argon,at most 6% isobutane,and with small amounts of SF6.Is
临床资料:将我院收治的72例冠心病(诊断符合1979年上海中西医结合治疗冠心病标准)随机分为治疗组42例,对照组30例,平均年龄55岁。 治疗方法:①治疗组将普乐林注射液200~300mg
A new SSC(Separated Sector Cyclotron)-Linac is being designed to serve as an injector for the SSC at the HIRFL(Heavy Ion Research Facility Lanzhou).The beam int
1992~1994年我们测定了136例肺心病呼吸衰竭患者的血清T_3、T_4、TSH值并与30例正常人对照,结果如下。 资料与方法:本组患者均无甲状腺手术史或长期服甲状腺药物史。男92例,
As a promising kind of high current cold cathode,the Ferroelectric Cathode(FEC)has several significant advantages,such as a controllable trigger time,lower vacu