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  The Dragon Boat Festival is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese lunar calendar (日历). It is a day for people to commemorate (纪念) a great poet Qu Yuan. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating Zongzi and racing dragon boats. It has been listed in the World Intangible Cultural Heritage (世界非物质文化遗产).
  Qu Yuan was a minister of the State of Chu during the Warring States Period (战国时期) (475-221BC). He was upright and loyal. And he was respected for his wise advice that made the state peaceful and strong. However, he was framed (陷害) by traitors (内奸). They stopped Chu Huaiwang to receive Qu Yuan’s advice and estranged (疏远) Chu Huaiwang from Qu Yuan.
  In 305 B.C., Chu Huaiwang wanted to form the Huangji Alliance (联盟) with Qin. Qu Yuan was against it, but it failed. At last, Chu State became Qin’s ally (盟友). And Qu Yuan was expelled (驱逐) out of Yingdu. Later, Chu Huaiwang was seduced (诱惑) by Qin State and then died there.
  After Qing Xiangwang became the king, he still carried out the policy of surrendering (投降). And Qu Yuan was expelled to southern Yangtze River. In 278 B.C., Bai Qi, a general of Qin, led his soldiers to break through the capital of Chu. Qu Yuan’s political dream broke and he felt desperate (绝望的) for his future. He wanted to devote himself to the state, but he could do nothing at that time. So he chose to kill himself and on the fifth day of the fifth month, he jumped into the Miluo River carrying a big stone.
  Nearby fishermen heard about this and rushed over by boat to save him. But they didn’t find his body. It was a rainy day at that time. All the boats were stopped beside the pavilion. When people knew that they were searching for Qu Yuan, people rushed to the Dongting Lake in the rain to find Qu Yuan’s body. But they found nothing. In order to show their grief (悲伤), people were rowing on the lake. And later it became the dragon boat race. People were afraid that the fish would eat Qu Yuan’s body, so they went home, brought rice rolls and threw them into the lake to feed the fish. And it became the custom of eating Zongzi later.
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