List of Lectures in International Meetings in 2013

来源 :Annual Report of China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qunli19890523
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Entrusted by 718 Institute of CSIC,we’ve analyzed and evaluated TEP deaeration tower.TEP deaeration tower,which is nuclear safety for ClassⅢ,anti-seismic for
It is well-known that a better description of the spin-flip response,such as the magnetic dipole response and Gamow-Teller response shall enable more reliable p
Since 2012,HIRFL has 7009 machine hours,including 823.1 h for the machine preparation and 783.6 h for the machine commissioning due to beam change,259.3 h for e
In asymmetric nuclear matter,the FFLO[1,2]state and DFS(deformed Fermi surfaces)[3]state are studied in Refs.[4,5].Both these two phases imply an anisotropic qu
The prompt fission neutron spectra for neutron-induced fission of 233U for low energy neutron(below 6 MeV)are calculated using the nuclear evaporation theory wi
To treat the spent nuclear fuel from the power stations in china,aproject named China Accelerator Driven System(C-ADS)has been proposed and related R/D has begu
Entrusted by China Nuclear Engineer Lit.,we’ve analyzed and evaluated the stress of stream residual tank,one of the high level radioactive waste vitrification