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  All That Zhejiang Has Given Me
  By Alfonso Araujo
  It may sound cliché to say that “I came here to teach, but then my students became my teachers.” Well, clichés have truth to them, and in my case, having lived in China for over 20 years, it certainly goes well beyond that: Zhejiang not only taught me more than I taught during my time as an English teacher: Zhejiang gave me a whole new life.
  I arrived in Hongqiao Airport in September 2000, back when that was the only international hub in the city and looked more like a crowded bus station. Three people awaited me at the Arrivals gate: the principal of the school where I was bound, Mr. Five (of course, his name was Wu), one of the English teachers at the school, and the driver. The teacher spotted me and greeted me, speaking briskly and smiling broadly. I interrupted and said, “I’m sorry, I don’t speak any Chinese.” She answered, “but I’m speaking English!”   I realized I had got more than I bargained for.
  For years I had practiced martial arts and studied Chinese history in Mexico, but it is not until you actually arrive to a place, that you realize how much you had gotten wrong. In Mexico my skills and my knowledge were well respected, here they were laughable. I was in for one long, long time of learning.
  But learning I did. During the time I was a teacher at Zhongtian High School in Dongyang I pored over basic language books at night, while during the daytime I taught middle and high school kids, went out with them to climb the mountains, patiently tried to make decent dumplings, practiced Liu Dehua’s (Andy Lau) song “中國人” for karaoke night, and jumped around with the Rabbit Song. In Dongyang I made some of the best and most enduring friendships in China, whom I still keep in contact with to this day.
  Then I moved to Hangzhou, where I kept teaching and learning, and where I fell in love with the West Lake and its dozens of legends, with Su Dongpo’s poems and pork, and with the amazing pace of change in China in general. I started working as a proofreader for a translations agency and became acquainted with Zhejiang University’s wonderfully cosmopolitan community of foreign students.
  It was there that I realized how very few Mexicans were studying here, so during a trip to my hometown, I got in touch with my alma mater to convince them to send students here: it was 2003. I helped them open their first office in China and in 2005 I thought, all these kids are coming for six months and going back home, we need more than that!
  One of the most important things Zhejiang gave me, was becoming a “China hand” and, there being so few of us at the time, I could actually get in touch with government people in both countries to pitch ideas. In 2005 I convinced the Mexico government to do a more ambitious thing: send graduate professionals for a whole two years, so that they can become the new China experts!
  It worked. From 2005 to 2011, over 250 Mexicans from 20 states came to Zhejiang to study, and since that time, many of them have went on to work in China-Mexico relations: in government, private enterprises and even creating their own companies, including the first true Mexican restaurant in Hangzhou. From then, I went on to keep convincing people on both sides to do more and more cooperation: starting in 2018, my university, TEC de Monterrey, together with the government of Hangzhou, created the Mexico-China Center. This time, the aim is to push binational cooperation in science and technology projects, of which several have already started working. Scientists and inventors from both sides have already started doing wonderful joint work in things like education technology, microelectronics, and medical devices.   This has been a wonderful, incredibly fulfilling journey but, without question, the greatest thing that Zhejiang has given me has been meeting Lisa, my wife and becoming the happiest, proudest father in the world in the year 2012: my little dragon girl, Alicia, is the treasure of my life and the light of my eyes.
  She knows no bounds between China and Mexico, between Chinese and Spanish languages, between baozi and tacos: for her, our two cultures and ways of thinking can merge easily into one life, into one new, richer way of looking at the world. Isn’t this unity of mankind what is truly important, what binds us together and how we can become true bridges between one another?
  My plan in 2000 was coming to China for six months. I didn’t expect to find a completely new life, but twenty years on, I can’t be happier that I did.
  I love you, Alicia.
  Mr. Alfonso Araujo is a Mexican engineer, writer and internationalist living in China since 2000. He has worked in bi-national collaboration since 2003, in the fields of education, culture exchange, and science and technology. He founded the Asia-Pacific Center for TEC de Monterrey in 2003, and was a founding member of the China-Mexico Center of Mexico’s National University in 2007. Mr. Alfonso Araujo is currently the Director of the IHUB Innovation Center in Hangzhou, a platform for joint science and culture cooperation. He has translated and published several Chinese classics into Spanish, including Caigentan (菜根譚), Book of Rites (礼记),Zuo’s Commentary on Spring and Autumn Annals (左传) and Thousand Character Classic(千字文).
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