
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shan527333
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在实践中探索,在探索中前行。《人民调解》迈着沉实的脚步,跨进她诞生以来的第十个春秋。十个春秋,弹指一挥间。回首过去,往事如烟。在艰苦创业的岁月里,我们终于在自家的田园里开出属于自己的一方土、辟出属于自己的一块天——尽管我们曾体验过开拓中的艰辛和苦辣,但时间的熔炉又把这一切统统幻化为追求者的信念,融和成耕耘者的快慰:从内部读物的小册子逐步发展为全国公开发行的月刊杂志……这是《人民调解》走过的一条上扬的直线;这是她十年间的运行轨迹;这是我们探索、开拓的历史印痕!应孩说,《人民调解》的今天,是无数人心力的萃集、智慧的结晶。在喜庆创刊十周年的日子里,我们不能忘记,基层各级领导给予的鼎力相助;我们不能忘记,各地通讯员的无私奉献;我们不能忘记,那些相识的和未曾谋面的作者投诸的汩汩心血;我们更不能忘记,那些战斗在第一道防线上的千百万读者的深情厚望。《人民调解》还年轻,蹒跚的脚步有时尚难尽如人意,而这正是历史提供的昭示;在成功面前保持冷静,在挫折之中悟出教训。这是大家共同拥有的土地,只要我们躬耕不 Explore in practice and explore in the future. The People’s Mediation marched down to the tenth spring of the year since her birth. Ten spring and spring, fingertips. Looking back, the past is smoke. In the days of arduous pioneering, we finally found our own piece of land in our own pastoral field and set aside our own day. Although we had experienced the hardships and pains of pioneering, the furnace of time All this transmuted into the believers’ pursuit of supremacy and reassured those who worked in the fields: From the internal booklet to the national monthly magazine ...... This is a rising line of “people’s mediation”; it is It is a trace of the history we have explored and exploited! It should be said that “people’s mediation” today is a gathering of countless people and the crystallization of wisdom. In the festive tenth anniversary of the founding day, we can not forget that all levels of grassroots leadership give their full support; we can not forget the selfless dedication of correspondents from all over; we can not forget those acquaintances and those who have not met the devotion; We must not forget the affectionate expectations of millions of readers who fight on the first line of defense. “People’s mediation” is still young and staggering. The fashion is unsatisfactory. And this is what history has provided. It remains calm before success and takes lessons in frustration. This is the land we all have, as long as we do not
和合文化的精神实质    和合文化是中华文化的精华。它体现的不是单个学派的文化精神,而是涵摄儒、道、墨、释各家各派的一种普遍精神。“和”、“合”二字在中国的甲骨文、金文中就已出现。“和”的初义是声音相应和谐;“合”的本义是上下唇合拢、结合。春秋时期,和合两字联用,构成和合范畴,孔子、 老子、旬子、孟子、管子都曾阐述过和合思想。东汉以后,这一思想又被 儒、释、道3家加以吸收和弘扬,如佛家讲“因缘和合
近年来,随着课程改革轰轰烈烈地展开,语文学科也发生了翻天覆地的变化。以往的满堂灌在现在的语文课堂里似乎已经无迹可寻了, In recent years, with the vigorous and vigo
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog 49244c6901014hgd.html再过几天,就要过春节了,忽然让我想起了压岁钱。因为每到过年的时候,长辈都要给孩子们压岁钱。然而,近些年似乎感觉压
余属鼠,黄胄小我一岁属牛。亚明(与我)同年,然故意争大。云其为正月初一子时生,其实生于十一月,小余若干若干矣。 The remaining rats, Huangpi I am a cow year. Yaming (w