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工人文化宫是党政、工会联系广大职工群众的桥梁和纽带的载体,是文明建设和弘扬先进文化的重要阵地。在新形势新常态下,作为工会文化主阵地,工人文化宫如何办好职工文化事业,造福职工群众,探索“以文养宫、多业助宫”的良性发展路子?如何在创新发展文化产业的同时坚持守土有责,着力加强文化宫阵地建设,提升资产管理水平,不断提升文化宫资产保值增值的能力?对此,以泉州市工人文化宫为例浅谈几方面观点。 The Workers’ Cultural Palace is the carrier of the bridges and ties between the party and government and trade unions to reach the masses of workers and staff and is an important front for the construction of civilization and the development of advanced culture. Under the new situation and new normal, as the main body of the trade union culture, how can the workers’ cultural palace handle the cultural undertakings of workers and staffs, benefit the masses of workers and workers, and explore a virtuous path of development in which " While adhere to the industry’s responsibility to keep the land, efforts to strengthen the construction of the Palace of Culture, improve asset management, and constantly enhance the ability of the Palace of Culture assets preservation and appreciation? In this regard, Quanzhou Workers Palace of Culture as an example to talk about several aspects.