Ceramic art and modern life

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  Abstract:ceramic culture is an important part of Chinese civilization,ceramic products are also commonly used appliances in our life,in the long history of development,gradually towards the decorative,aesthetic direction.And with the progress and development of people's aesthetic and corresponding technical concepts,modern ceramic art has gradually developed into an artistic feature.It affects our modern life.
  Key words:ceramic art,modern life,lifestyle
  Ceramic art has existed in our life for many years,it is the product of technology,craft and art,but also has the necessary personalized and artistic life.Living ceramic art is a breakthrough innovation based on the concept of life and from the perspective of practice,which can gradually enrich its corresponding cultural connotation through corresponding connotation and multi-angle emotional communication.
  Not only limited by the level of science and technology,the application process of humanized design,and has a certain artistic expression,can give people with practical and aesthetic enjoyment."China",as the English name of ceramics,fully represents the heyday of China's ceramics industry.As one of the excellent national cultures with a long history in China,its exquisite ceramic production techniques have attracted worldwide attention and enjoyed a high reputation.In its heyday,Chinese porcelain was also exported to European countries.Chinese ceramics are also an important symbol of human civilization and a symbol and embodiment of the craftsman spirit of the Chinese nation.The emergence of ceramic products and continuous development,constantly affecting our lives.
  With the rapid development of economy,people's living standards continue to improve,the demand for ceramic products in modern life greatly increased,in short supply.The demand of ceramic products drives the vigorous development of ceramic industry,and there are more types and grades of ceramic products.The demand of ceramic products of different levels also leads to a new turn in the functional and aesthetic aspects of ceramic design.Many innovative designs have epoch-making significance and even change people's concept,especially the improvement of people's aesthetic pursuit.More products with cultural connotation are deeply loved by consumers,which promotes the whole ceramic design and ceramic art.
  The fast-paced modern working environment,let people have no time to enjoy the good life time,people gradually tired of the crowded,noisy city life,looking forward to the idyllic slow life full of natural atmosphere.All kinds of kungfu tea sets,handmade ceramic cups,delicate dessert plates,hand-painted,carved,painted gold,silver-plated ceramic products with beautiful decoration,promote the design and development of ceramic products,and affect our way of life.In addition,the influence of postmodernism on design promotes traditional handicraft style.Meanwhile,ceramic products based on modern design consciousness and structure gradually enrich our life.   Ceramic products,which are decorative and practical,give people a relaxing and novel way of life.They have a reasonable scale,coupled with strong handmade with classical style relief decoration,as well as strict workmanship and exquisite materials,all show the characteristics of high-grade ceramics.Contemporary design is more practical,with a simple instrument and decoration,to achieve a better practical and simple decorative effect.With the development of science and technology and the wide application of computer,new ceramic manufacturing technology and technology play an increasingly wide role in ceramic design and manufacturing,making ceramic design and manufacturing more feasible and creative space,all of which bring new possibilities and scientific nature to the development of ceramic industry.
  Ceramic products have unique charm,so that many people who love life,the pursuit of quality of life,there is a new way of life,in our daily life,everywhere can see it.In our family life,a set of exquisite tableware placed on the table,not only can reflect the host's cultural background,aesthetic consciousness and personal taste,but also can reflect the host and guests of the special tea set,reflect the host's quality of life.Outstanding design style,the mood that brings a person jian yue,affecting our modern life.The diversity of demand analysis and research of ceramic art creation,as well as the need of space environment,can be fully integrated into the corresponding prediction and infiltrate into our future life through various ways of intervention and thinking about the environmental issues involved.
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1.创作题材分类  现在的人们对于工笔人物画的创作有着不同的体会与题材的选择。在当下这个时代中,人们所做的选择,大多需要扎根于现在的这个社会。反映人们的生活状况,跟随当代时代的步伐,向前推进。这是一个向前上升的趋势。那么关于工笔人物创作题材究竟是从哪些方面来入手的呢?我大致把近年来的工笔人物画题材分为了几个大类。分别是:现代都市生活题材。军旅题材。乡村现实题材。少数民族题材。  1.1都市生活  
摘要:动力电池系统具有能量密度高、循环寿命长、自放电率低而被广泛应用于新能源汽车产业作为动力的主要来源。然而,在实际使用中动力电池系统可能发生机械碰撞、挤压、针刺、过充电、过放电、内短路及过热等异常情况,由此造成的热失控极易引起动力电池系统着火甚至爆炸的危险情况。为此,本文对动力电池系统热失控的发生诱因展开研究,并着重分析国内外的研究现状及相关的抑制手段。  关键词:热失控;动力电池系统  引言 
当初冬的寒气挤进屋内,肆意挑逗着屋内的我。我看着台上那盘随风摇动的早已开败了的花。恍然醒悟:我一定天能像那盆花样!我还要坚持我的梦想一播音主持。  我在梦想的路上,一路跌到,一路爬起,中途有多少次放弃的念头?连我自己都不知道,当我想放下时,我就会想起杨振宇先生那句话“只要持之以恒,知识丰富了,许能发现奥秘。”对呀!做任何事都一定要有恒心。  犹记儿时,爷爷奶奶总是给我讲毛主席的故事。他们总说“毛主
摘要:随着美国次贷危机爆发、发展,人们对金融系统性风险有了更深的认识。近年来在国民的支持下,金融业迅速发展成为我国的第三产业,不仅保障、丰富了我国国民的生活生产方式,还促进了国民经济的发展,金融业的影响日益深远。当今时代中国作为世界第二大经济体,近年来发展增速放缓,能否建立金融系统风险防范机制是能否保障金融业科学稳定发展的关键。  关键词:金融;系统性风险;防范机制  引言  我国金融业发展历史较
去年夏天的一个傍晚,天气闷热,乌云就像一块大幕布黑压压地铺满了天空,一阵狂风把地上的落叶卷到半空中。  妈妈骑着电动自行车来学校接我,着急地对我说:“要下大雨了,可今天我忘记带雨衣了,我得马上去买雨衣。”很快,妈妈在一家修电动自行车的小店买到了雨衣。乌云更黑了,暴雨仿佛下一秒就会到来。妈妈随手把钱包交给我,然后匆匆忙忙穿上了雨衣。此时,豆大的雨点“啪啪啪”地砸了下来,我马上钻进妈妈的雨衣里。妈妈把
夏天的夜现特别美,那是因为多了许多闪烁的星屋。  夜空中。屋星配着亮晶晶的眼话。忽明忽暗。若隐若现。像在和我捉迷藏,看那躲在云层中星星,真像一个害羞的小姑眼!瞧,那颗一闪一闪的小星星,不像不像一个调皮的小男孩?  我夏天的夜晚特别美,那是因为多了许多闪烁的星星。  我喜欢看星星,只要有时间,我就会趴在窗台上仰望星空。即使在寒冷的冬天,我也不会错过看星星的时间。啊,我看到了由七颗星星组成的一把“勺子
摘要:近年来,我国数字技术的发展十分迅速,越来越多的数字技术也逐渐在各行业中得到了广泛的应用,其中其在电气自动化的控制中就发挥了重要的作用,在工业电气自动化中得到了普遍应用,随着不断的发展,工业电气自动化中对数字技术的应用也在不断革新,对其技术应用潜力進行挖掘,下面,本文就针对数字技术在工业电气自动化中的革新运用进行探索,希望对其发展中数字技术运用具有帮助作用。  关键词:数字技术;工业;电气自动
今天我读了《为祖国点赞》这一本书。读完这本书,我深深地被那些美丽的景色而迷住,被那些高科技工作者而感动!我为我是中国人而骄傲、自豪。  我骄傲,我是中国人,我为祖国的大好山河骄傲。  水平如镜的西湖,景色一人的九寨沟,美丽独特的桂林山水,气魄雄伟的万里长城,被誉为“东方艺术明珠”的墩煌石窟等。这些自然风光、文明的建筑吸引了成千上万的中外游客前来观赏,这些由岁月和智慧雕刻出来的美丽画卷,不正是我们中
摘要:电气自动化控制水平某种意义上代表了矿山机械化和现代化发展程度,对矿山安全生产起到重要作用。它极大地改善了矿山生产环境和提高了生产效率,但不可否认的是,我国自动化控制水平还处于起步阶段,因此研究电气自动化技术具有相当大的现实意义。本文阐述了电气自动化的概念,并围绕通风系统、排水系统、供电系统等5方面分析了电气自动化在矿山生产中的应用情况,对于在矿山中推广自动化技术具有一定参考价值。  关键词: