Comment on the issues raised in the application of diachronic analysis. From a statistical point of view, the literature deals with the choice of model, either fixed or random genotypes. From an genetic perspective, attempts to explain the results of a two-line hybridization using two hypotheses were evaluated. The first hypothesis regarding the independent distribution of genes in the parents is the most crucial for proper propositions to be put in place and appears to be unacceptable in real practice. The second hypothesis that there is no epistolary argument may often be incorrect. Epistasis affects both general combining ability and special combining ability mean square, variance estimation, and is produced in an unforeseeable way. As for the choice of genetic interpretation, the statistical descriptions provided by the two-line hybridization analysis can be used to help answer these questions, the importance of special combining ability and the prediction of the performance of the hybrid offspring using the general combining ability or parental performance.