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新庄煤矿胶带暗斜井沿煤层布置,暗斜井内铺设强力胶带输送机,第二部机头硐室变形破坏明显。研究该硐室锚注加固和底板卸压技术,对于硐室围岩的长期稳定具有重要的现实意义。基于硐室工程地质条件,采用理论分析、数值计算和现场工业性试验进行系统研究,研究结果表明:(1)硐室围岩岩性差,受井筒保护煤柱固定支承压力的作用,硐室围岩应力高、围岩有效载荷系数较大,造成硐室底臌和围岩变形破坏严重。(2)与卸压前相比,硐室底板开挖卸压槽以后,明显降低了硐室底板围岩铅垂应力和两帮围岩水平应力,而硐室顶板围岩铅垂应力、两帮水平位移量基本保持不变,所以底板卸压槽有利于硐室围岩的长期稳定。变形严重的机头硐室采用锚(索)网喷联合支护翻修以后,底板开挖卸压槽,硐室顶板、两帮采用注浆锚杆注浆,且两帮、底板(含卸压槽)采用锚索束注浆。项目实施以后硐室围岩处于稳定状态,现场工业性试验取得了成功。 Xinzhuang coal mine dark inclined shaft along the coal seam layout, dark inclined shaft laid strong tape conveyor, the second part of the deformation of the nose chamber obvious. Studying the technology of bolt-grouting reinforcement and floor relief in this chamber has important practical significance for the long-term stability of the surrounding rock in a cave. Based on the engineering geological conditions in the chamber, the theoretical analysis, numerical calculation and on-site industrial experiments are systematically carried out. The results show that: (1) the rock of the surrounding rock is poor, affected by the fixed bearing pressure of coal pillar in the borehole, The rock stress is high, the effective load coefficient of the surrounding rock is larger, which causes the deformation of the rock bottom and surrounding rock seriously. (2) Compared with that before pressure relief, the excavation pressure relief groove in the floor of the chamber significantly reduces the vertical stress of the surrounding rock of the chamber floor and the horizontal stress of two surrounding rocks, while the vertical stress of the roof rock of the chamber roof, To help the level of displacement remained unchanged, so the floor pressure relief slot is conducive to the long-term stability of rock chamber. Deformation of the head chamber with anchor (cable) net spray joint support after renovation, the floor excavation pressure relief groove, the roof of the chamber, grouting with two groups of grouting anchor, and the two, floor (including pressure relief Groove) with anchor cable grouting. After the implementation of the project, the surrounding rock of the chamber is in a stable state, and the field industrial test has achieved success.
The interaction between pine oil and marmatite without collectors and activators was investigated by flotation,scanning electron microscope and energy-dispersiv
2008年最后一个月,我们在严寒的冬季看到了一则心暖的新闻:成都市民政局拿出价值3791万元的消费券,发给全市城乡低保、农村五保及城乡重点优扶对象,每人100元。这是国内首次向困难群体及优抚对象发放消费券。包括此前东莞市政府推出的关注弱势群体、向困难户发“红包”,都受到社会的好评和百姓的欢迎,我们为政府的举措拍手叫好。   最初提出发放消费券建议的是“欧元之父”蒙代尔。我国台湾地区以及意大利政府也