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目的了解福建省公立医疗卫生服务机构中的口腔服务机构与人力资源的配置情况,分析存在的主要问题并为政府决策提供科学依据。方法福建省97家疾控中心利用中国疾控中心流行病学动态数据采集平台,进入口腔卫生工作能力调查系统在线录入填写《疾控系统口腔卫生工作能力现状调查问卷》,以网络直报的方式对辖区内的口腔卫生资源与工作开展情况进行普查。采用SPSS 18.0统计软件进行统计分析,计数资料用率(%)表示,采用χ2检验,P<0.05表示差异有统计学意义。结果福建省辖区内能提供口腔卫生服务的县区级医疗机构(包括口腔专科医院)156家,有口腔科的综合医院128家。一家公立的县级医院口腔科平均服务人数为23.96万人,福州、厦门和泉州低于全省平均水平。福建省口腔医师数为1352名,每10万人口对应口腔医师数为3.6名。福建省疾控系统中,从事口腔卫生方面的工作人员仅为0.29%(13/4 420),且几乎无口腔卫生工作经费,仅有4家疾控中心设立有专业的牙防机构,开展的工作为龋齿填充,乳牙涂氟,口腔检查及宣传教育。结论福建省公立的口腔卫生服务机构分布不均衡,口腔医师短缺。疾控系统目前较少开展口腔预防保健工作,需要在政策及资源保障方面予以支持。 Objective To understand the configuration of oral service agencies and human resources in public health service agencies in Fujian Province, analyze the main problems and provide a scientific basis for government decision-making. Methods 97 disease control centers in Fujian Province used the epidemiological dynamic data collection platform of China CDC to enter the Oral Health Workability Surveillance System and fill out the “Questionnaire on the Oral Health Workability of Disease Control System” online, Census of oral hygiene resources and work in the area. Using SPSS 18.0 statistical software for statistical analysis, count data rate (%) said that using χ2 test, P <0.05 said the difference was statistically significant. Results There were 156 county-level medical institutions (including dental specialty hospitals) providing oral hygiene services within the jurisdiction of Fujian Province and 128 general dentistry clinics. The average number of dental services in a public county-level hospital was 239,600, with Fuzhou, Xiamen and Quanzhou lower than the provincial average. The number of stomatologists in Fujian Province is 1,352, and the number of stomatologists per 100,000 population is 3.6. In Fujian CDC, only 0.29% (13/4 420) of staff engaged in oral hygiene, and almost no oral health funding, only 4 CDC set up a professional dental defense agencies to carry out Work for dental caries filling, dental fluoridation, oral examination and publicity and education. Conclusions Fujian’s public oral health services are not evenly distributed and there is a shortage of dentists. Disease control systems are currently less active in oral preventive care and need to be supported in terms of policies and resources.
故障表现:ETS OFF灯持续点亮,转速降低时车子抖动,扫描仪通讯线路损坏 买主通常只注意到前两个问题,第三个故障是在用诊断仪去测试是否还有其它故障时发现的。这些故障常出
’99北京国际摩托车展览会于1999年11月30日~12月4日在北京中国国际览中心隆重举行。本发展会由中汽对外经济技术合作公司、中国国际贸促会汽车行业分会、中国汽车工程 ’99