Germany:Feel-good factor for fairs

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  A global survey by UFI and Explori among 13,000 trade fair visitors revealed that catering and seating are important factors. German trade fair companies agree.
  Messe München refers to its own surveys and confirms the findings of the study. Both factors - seating and catering - are apparently important to visitors. “That is why we attach great importance to a high-quality food service,” says Klaus Dittrich. “Our guests can choose from a wide range of restaurants offering German and international specialities, snack bars and bistros,” explains the Chairman and CEO of Messe München. The exhibition centre in the Bavarian capital is spending quite a lot on this. “Two years ago we started a major investment programme in our F&B facilities,” says Dittrich. Plus: An in-house Gasto-Guide shows all the F&B offers at a glance.
  And to do justice to “seating” as a feel-good factor, all catering facilities at Munich’s exhibition centre offer guests a chance to sit down. “Our spacious beer gardens in the heart of the exhibition centre - designed as particularly inviting places for lingering - are a great bonus in this respect,” says Klaus Dittrich. In addition, there are seating areas for in-show catering in the halls. In view of the good facilities there, seating and catering are rather secondary factors for the design of free spaces (
  Messe Frankfurt offers 22 restaurants and 70 bistros and shops - with a variety of culinary specialities and plenty of seating options. “Our surveys show that food plays a major role for visitors,” confirms Iris Jeglitza-Moshage. “And quiet zones are also much appreciated,”adds the board member of Messe Frankfurt Exhibition. The even distribution of restaurants and bistros across the exhibition halls, in foyers and the outdoor area is an advantage, so visitors never need go far to take a break. Moreover, there are networking areas for many events with seating for relaxed discussions.
  Depending on the event, Messe Frankfurt also integrates cafés into the floor plan as part of the exhibition concept. “At Ambiente 2020, designers will create eleven cafés exclusively for the fair,” Iris Jeglitza-Moshage cites an example. “Designed with exhibitor products, they are places for breaks, for refreshment and also for inspiration.” In general, the “feel-good factor” is key for trade fair visits. For new events in Frankfurt it is factored in right from the start. At Hypermotion, for example, “Eat & Talk Areas”, not only serve for catering but also as meeting points and event venues. This makes them the perfect setting for intensive talks between participants: “In this case, food and drinks are included in the ticket price” (   In the surveys, Messe K?ln observed strong differences between individual trade fairs. They cannot confirm that food and seating are“sources of frustration” as discovered in the UFI/Explori study. “All in all, there is not much negative feedback,” explains Stefan Eckert.“Both for catering and the quiet zones," says the Vice President Services and member of the Executive Board of Koelnmesse. Seating areas in the hall play an active conceptual role in the layout of wellbooked trade shows. On the other hand, they are more of a decorative element, for example to cover vacant areas. “We use the available free space to create communication zones by providing seats for visitors and exhibitors,” Eckert argues. “Including facilities for charging cell phones and laptops.”
  In addition to stationary F&B facilities, variable outlets are set up in Cologne. They are tailored to “the event and number of visitors,”describes Stefan Eckert. “We provide mobile coffee bars, hot dog stands, pretzel trolleys, food courts and lounge areas with a variety of F&B offerings.” In the course of construction measures for the Koelnmesse 3.0 project, increasing demands of the visitors are to be taken more into account. As of this year, there will be more F&B offers: “From mobile stations through bistros, large self-service food areas to restaurants with a first-class service” (

  NürnbergMesse confirms that visitors express demand for more seating areas - and that the first and foremost task when allocating hall space is to position all exhibitors in the best possible way. If the hall does not have a fixed catering facility, which is rarely the case, those responsible will find a solution. “Then an extra catering zone is integrated in the layout plan,” says Thomas Koch. “If the exhibition area allows,” adds the head of corporate communications of NürnbergMesse, who is also a board member. “In general, we have found that al-fresco catering and dining make an excellent combination.” This is why NürnbergMesse often uses its centrally located exhibition park for this purpose. “But we have also installed a new Baguetteria as a quick-stop concept,” says Koch. “There we serve takeaway food and drink.”
  As NürnbergMesse observes, event catering is becoming increasingly important for customers. “Today, it is a major factor that influences the visitor experience of an event,” observes Thomas Koch. This is mainly due to the higher expectations of exhibitors and visitors regarding the eventisation of trade fairs. “Food areas are increasingly becoming experience and feel-good zones,” claims Koch. “Our inhouse catering department is adapting to these ever shorter trend cycles.” In other words, trade fair caterers focus increasingly on the respective target group of the event (
  (This article was published in TFI issue 1/2020).
最新的一份针对13万名展会观众的业内调查显示:餐饮和座位是展会观众最为关心的服务要素。几家知名德国展会主办方的观察验证了这一点。  慕尼黑展览公司自己进行了一项调查,并证实了以上观点——显而易见,座位区和餐饮对于会展访客都非常地重要。公司总裁兼首席执行官Klaus Dittrich表示,“所以,我们对于提供高品质的餐饮服务非常重视。我们的客商可以在众多餐厅和小酒吧中尝到德国和各国的特色食品和小吃。
2月份以来,突如其来的疫情对于出展行业是一场史无前例的大考。展会主办方和代理机构需要沉着应对,多方考量。  绝大多数国家和地区的展会主办方都理智面对疫情,并慎重考虑展会如期举办还是延期举办。毕竟,没有中国企业参加的展览会,无论从贸易角度还是主办方经济效益角度都是很大损失。然而,由于某些国家的政府突然宣布签证失效,有的国家宣布中国人需要入境隔离14天,有的国家暂时禁止在中国停留14天以上的中国人入境
2月11日,UFI发布了最新的《UFI全球展览行业晴雨表》第24版研究报告,展现了行业的发展动态。  《UFI全球展览行业晴雨表》每半年更新一次,第24版报告的调研于2020年1月结束,共收到来自70个国家和地区的438家公司的数据。  这项研究为18个国家和地区的会展市场提供了展望和分析:阿根廷、澳大利亚、巴西、中国大陆、哥伦比亚、德国、印度、印尼、意大利、日本、中国澳门、墨西哥、俄罗斯、南非、
展会本身和展会主办方需要不断创新演变,在服务方面变得越来越灵活,并且提供全年无间断服务。在此过程中,在线技术显得极为重要。通过“可信赖配对”网站,慕尼黑展览集团帮助展会参与者与潜在买家决策者取得联系。  简易的操作系统  “可信赖配对”网站能够帮助参展商寻找到对自身产品感兴趣的买家,省去了漫无目的的撒网式的宣传。通过一个专门设计的商务配对网站,买家可
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When planning your conference, you can count on the versatile building of Kongresskultur Bregenz, which is also situated in a prime location right on the shores of Lake Constance. Organizers can choos
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