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12年前,当丁绍光怀着迷惘和勃勃雄心的复杂心情赴美探亲并闯世界时,他不会料到今天自己的一幅《白夜》,竟会以220万港元在香港拍卖成交,创下了在世的中国画家在国际艺术品拍卖中成交价的最高纪录。 4月8日,在中国革命博物馆开幕的《旅美著名画家作品展》,似乎为春寒料峭中的北京画坛注入了一股清新气息和新的活力。由于绝大多数收藏家不愿“割爱”借出原作,展出的40多件作品全部是丝网版画复制品,但是早已仰慕丁氏艺术的观众仍把整个展览大厅挤得满满的,久久流连忘返。对此,丁绍光本 Twelve years ago, when Ding Shaoguang went to the United States for visiting relatives and went to the United States with a complicated mood of ambition and ambition, he would not have expected that his own “White Night” today would have been auctioned off in Hong Kong at a price of HK $ 2.2 million Chinese artists in the international art auction auction price record. On April 8, the “Exhibition of Paintings by Famous Artists in the United States” opened at the Museum of Chinese Revolution seems to have infused a breath of fresh air and new vitality to the Beijing painting circles in the spring chill. Since the overwhelming majority of collectors are reluctant to “cut love” and lend their original works, more than 40 works on display are all screen prints. However, viewers who have admired Ding art still squeeze the entire exhibition hall for a long time Linger In this regard, Ding Shaoguang this