
来源 :时代文学(理论学术版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:din6688
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1.问题的提出中小学校长是贯彻执行国家教育方针政策的基础力量,是践行办学思想与模式的具体组织者,因此培养锻造一支高素质的中小学校长队伍,是提高基础教育质量的关键所在。近些年,在中小学校长素质培养提高上,全国许多专家学者大多重视了校长能力素质方面的研究,但对于校长知识结构重视程度不够,尤其是缺乏对中小学校长知识结构的现状考察与分析。而合理的知识结构是发展能力的基础,知识结构是指一个人的知识构成状况,其中包括各种知识的比例,相互问的联系、作用和协调,以及由此而形成的具有一定功能的统一整体。本文主要对石家庄地区部分小学校长知识结构现状进行调查分析,以期为建立一支高素质的小学校长队伍和培训机构课程设置提供借鉴依据。 1. Raising the Question The principal of the primary and secondary school is the basic force to implement the national education policy and the concrete organizer of practicing the thought and mode of running the school. Therefore, training and forging a contingent of high-quality primary and secondary school principals is to improve the quality of basic education The key. In recent years, many primary and secondary school principals in the quality of training to improve, most of the country many experts and scholars attach importance to the ability of the principal aspects of the study, but the emphasis on the principal’s knowledge structure is not enough, especially the lack of knowledge structure of primary and secondary school examinations and analysis of the status quo . The rational knowledge structure is the basis for the development of ability. The knowledge structure refers to the status of a person’s knowledge, including the proportion of various kinds of knowledge, the interrelated connections, roles and coordination, and the consequent formation of a unified function overall. This paper mainly investigates and analyzes the status quo of knowledge structure of some primary school principals in Shijiazhuang, with a view to providing references for the establishment of a high quality primary school principals team and training institutions curriculum.
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人们都知道双胞胎相貌相似,但他们的心里是否也有灵犀?  据美国媒体报道,一对生活在美国俄亥俄州的双胞胎,一出生就被不同的家庭收养,40多年后二人重逢时发现他们的生活有着惊人的相似。兄弟俩都被取名为“詹姆士”,都在机械绘画和木工工艺方面具有天赋。二人都有过两次婚姻,他们的前妻都叫琳达,而现任妻子的名字又都叫贝蒂。他们各有两个儿子,分别叫詹姆士·艾伦和詹姆士·艾兰。此外,两家宠物狗的名字都叫“玩具”。