Interpretation of Shanghai Cooperation Organization Military Cooperation's Positioning and \\

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The “Peace Mission 2010” anti-terror military drill taking place in Almaty,Kazakhstan and Matybulak lasted from Sep.9 to 25,2010.This is the 7th joint drill under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO),which reveals the rising significance of the SCO military cooperation in regional anti-terrorism.SCO has announced several times that in order to maintain the security and stability in the region,the SCO member states will strengthen the cooperation of fighting against terrorism,separatism,extremism and transnational organized crime.As a result,the “2010 Peace Mission” anti-terror military drill is the key component of military cooperation mechanism under the framework of SCO and a threat to the “Three Evil Forces”——terrorism,separatism and extremism. The “Peace Mission 2010 ” anti-terror military drill taking place in Almaty, Kazakhstan and Matybulak lasted from Sep.9 to 25,2010. This is the 7th joint drill under the framework of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), which reveals the rising significance of the SCO military cooperation in regional anti-terrorism. SCO has announced several times that in order to maintain the security and stability in the region, the SCO member states will strengthen the cooperation of fighting against terrorism, separatism, extremism and transnational organized crime. As a result, the “2010 Peace Mission” anti-terror military drill is the key component of military cooperation mechanism under the framework of SCO and a threat to the “Three Evil Forces” - terrorism, separatism and extremism
低头并不代表认输,昂首的也不并都是赢家,其实,只是换个姿态罢了。昨天那个季节很混乱,那时的我很要强,追求的是愚昧的拥有,强调的是幼稚的个性。 Reducing your head does
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哈佛大学的杜维明教授有一本不厚的论文集,名字叫《儒家思想新论——创造性转换的自我》(Con-fucianThought:SelfhoodAsCreativeTransformation)。大陆的中译本,易名为《儒家思想新论》。说“新论”,并不错,因为无论是经典的中国哲学家,还是后来的中国思想史家,似乎都没有想到要把自我,selfhood,ego,作为思考的出发点。  儒家学说说到底,不过是成圣成贤