
来源 :岩石力学与工程学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sust_alex
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Hoek-Brown屈服准则优点突出,但使用时所需的扰动因子D和地质强度指标GSI值两大参数难以准确获取。对此,总结分析学者们对传统Hoek-Brown准则的改进,提出能较便捷、精准地解决该问题的方法:利用扰动岩体波速VP和岩石纵波波速比值的平方计算扰动因子D,通过岩体纵波波速V_P与岩体RMR值的关系来计算岩体的GSI值。进而,将D和GSI的表达式代入Hoek-Brown准则中,得到新的改进公式。为验证改进公式的合理性,以黄河玛尔挡水电站大坝坝基岩体工程为例,分别对该改进方法计算得到的岩体物理力学参数与Hoek-Brown法计算结果进行对比。结果显示,该改进方法计算结果与Hoek-Brown法计算结果趋势走向一致、数值相差较小。据此,该方法可满足工程应用,尤其是可用于快捷、准确计算出Hoek-Brown准则中的两大参数,进而计算岩体的力学参数。 The Hoek-Brown yield criterion has some advantages, but the two parameters of the disturbance factor D and the geologic intensity index GSI required for the application are difficult to obtain accurately. In this regard, the authors summarize and analyze the improvement of the traditional Hoek-Brown criterion and put forward a method that can solve the problem more conveniently and accurately. The disturbance factor D is calculated by the square of the velocity VP of the rock mass and the ratio of the P- The relationship between the V_P and the RMR value of the rock mass is used to calculate the GSI value of the rock mass. Furthermore, the expressions of D and GSI are substituted into the Hoek-Brown criterion, and a new improved formula is obtained. In order to verify the rationality of the improved formula, taking the dam foundation rock mass engineering of the Yellow River Malbazi Hydropower Station as an example, the physical and mechanical parameters calculated by the improved method are compared with the Hoek-Brown method. The results show that the calculated results of the improved method are consistent with the calculated results of the Hoek-Brown method, and their differences are small. Therefore, this method can meet the needs of engineering application, especially for quickly and accurately calculating two parameters in Hoek-Brown criterion and calculating the mechanical parameters of rock mass.
湘潭地区茶叶学会于四月二十一日至二十二日在湘潭召开了一九八三年第一届茶叶学会理事扩大会议。会议总结了一九八二年度的学会工作;讨论了一九八三年学会活动 The Tea So