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During the design process of Blu-ray disc optical pick-up (BD OPU), the optical system and the collimator lens design is especially important. This paper designs an optical system and some lenses for the BD OPU, including collimator lens, beam shaping lens for laser beam shaping, and cylinder lens for signal detecting. In this OPU, we use a triplet lens to collimate the laser beam. At the same time, we build a series of assembly jigs to make sure that each lens can be put into the OPU basement properly. At last, we get the reading spot image and S-curve photo of OPU, which can be used to read Blu-ray disc (BD).
开展了连续激光二极管抽运声光调Q高重复频率人眼安全内腔式KTP光参量振荡器(KTP-OPO)的实验研究,研究了在相同二极管抽运功率下,基频光和信号光输出功率和脉冲宽度随调制频率的变化关系,获得了平均功率为1.6 W,脉冲宽度为6~10 ns,M2因子为5,重复频率为5~20 kHz的人眼安全激光输出,光光转换效率为5.3%。
In free-space or in optical fibers, orbital angular momentum (OAM) multiplexing for information transmission has been greatly developed. The light sources used were well coherent communication bands, and the fibers used were customized. Here, we use an 81
光学元件在加工及使用过程中引入的麻点或擦痕会严重影响其表面质量。基于Peterson疵病散射理论,将麻点或擦痕引起的散射光分为两部分,即对麻点(或擦痕)内部表面的散射光作漫反射分析,对麻点或擦痕外围轮廓引起的散射光作衍射分析。进一步考虑麻点和擦痕的挡光效应,以及麻点衍射消失的边界条件,通过将疵病散射理论与国家标准GB/T 1185—2006相结合,推导出麻点、擦痕的双向反射分布函数的解析表达式,进
本文报导了一台电晕预电离XeCl准分子激光器的实验研究, 输出最大脉冲激光能量超过250毫焦耳。研究了各种放电参数对输出激光能量的影响。
A technique to construct an affine invariant descriptor for remote-sensing image registration based on the scale invariant features transform (SIFT) in a kernel space is proposed. Affine invariant SIFT descriptor is first developed in an elliptical region
We report uniaxial tensile strains up to 5.7% along