Effect of solution treatment on microstructures and mechanical properties of AISI 321 service

来源 :Acta Metallurgica Sinica(English Letters) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:asd137889706
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A detailed knowledge of changes in microstructures and mechanical properties that occur in AISI 321 stainless steels service before and after solution treatment is of great interest,since the ductility and toughness of AISI 321 stainless steels may change drastically after service for a long time.After solution treatment at 1050 ℃,the microstructures of AISI 321 stainless steels service for 80 000 h at 700 ℃ indicate that the content of sigma phase significantly decreased,the grains of austenite grew and the amount of twins together with the size increased with solution treatment time.The results of mechanical properties tests show that the impact toughness at room temperature was superior at solution treatment,and there was no obvious change in the impact toughness between different times of solution treatment at room temperature. A detailed knowledge of changes in microstructures and mechanical properties that occur in AISI 321 stainless steels before and after solution treatment is of great interest, since the ductility and toughness of AISI 321 stainless steels may change drastically after service for a long time. After solution treatment at 1050 ° C, the microstructures of AISI 321 stainless steels service for 80 000 h at 700 ° C indicate that the content of sigma phase significantly decreased, the grains of austenite grew and the amount of twins together with the size increased with solution treatment time. The results of mechanical properties tests show that the impact toughness at room temperature was superior at solution treatment, and there was no obvious change in the impact toughness between different times of solution treatment at room temperature.
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哈锐(1862-1933年),字蜕庵,是中国近代著名穆斯林实业家。祖籍福建,康熙初年迁居甘肃天水,由是定居于此。  哈锐出生于清同治元年。哈锐8岁入塾读书,14岁中秀才,19岁进入陇上名儒任士言讲席的陇南书院,20岁在乡试中举。后来4次参加会试均遭蹉跌。1892年31岁时中进士,朝考一等,被点为翰林院庶吉士,成为了回族中独一无二的翰林公。  1894年(光绪甲午年)哈锐33岁,散馆任刑部四川司主事