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);7~8月日照与含糖呈显著正相关(r=0.626 ̄*)。2.2温度(气温与土温)该产区年气温具有春季多变、夏季炎热、秋季凉爽、冬季寒冷的特点。年均2.4℃。5cm土层地温4.9℃。每年4~10月平均气温为正值,11月开始结冻,4月上旬融化,全年冻土期145天左右,冻层最多可达200cm。稳定通过10℃初日在5月11日,终日在9月24日,间隔137天,有效积温平均2570℃,基本能满足甜菜的要求。近6年平均气温达3.58℃,较前24年平均值升高1.18℃。如果以5~9月各月平均气温总和作为生长季总温度,全产区气温地域分布自南向北呈递减趋势,每北移35km便减少1℃,相当于日均20℃Cl周的积温。应用生物统计方法,分析气温与含糖的关系,7月气温与块根含糖呈显著正相关(r=0.575 ̄) ;9月昼夜温差与含糖呈高度显著正相关(r=0.987 ̄)。2.3降水与蒸发青冈甜菜产区的降水特点是,年际间波动大,年度内季节性强,春季透雨晚。1957~1980年年际间雨量差超过300mm,差率达47.8%。年度内春季雨量差率达10倍,夏季差率达3倍。6~8月是雨季,降水量占全年70%,平均每2.2天有1次降雨。历年第一场透雨? ). There was a significant positive correlation between sunshine and sugar content from July to August (r = 0.626 ~ *). 2.2 Temperature (temperature and soil temperature) The annual temperature in this area has the characteristics of spring, summer, summer, cool in autumn and cold in winter. Average annual 2.4 ℃. 5cm soil temperature 4.9 ℃. Annual average temperature from April to October is positive, freezing began in November and melted in early April. The annual frozen soil period is about 145 days and the frozen layer can reach a maximum of 200 cm. Stable through 10 ℃ on the first day of May 11, all day on September 24, an interval of 137 days, the effective accumulated temperature average 2570 ℃, the basic can meet the requirements of beets. In recent 6 years, the average temperature reached 3.58 ℃, an increase of 1.18 ℃ over the previous 24-year average. If the sum of the average temperatures in each month from May to September is taken as the total temperature in the growing season, the geographical distribution of temperature in the whole producing region shows a decreasing trend from south to north, decreasing 1 ℃ every 35km northward, equivalent to the accumulated temperature . Biometrics was used to analyze the relationship between air temperature and sugar content. There was a significant positive correlation between air temperature and sugar content in July (r = 0.575 ~). The temperature difference between September and September was highly positively correlated with sugar content (r = 0. 987 ~). 2.3 Precipitation and evaporation The characteristics of the precipitation in the sugar beet producing area of ​​the Cyclobalanopsis glauca were that it fluctuated greatly during the year, season was strong during the year, and the spring was late. During the period from 1957 to 1980, the rainfall difference exceeded 300mm with a rate of 47.8%. During the year, the difference between the spring rainfall and the summer rainfall reached 10 times and 3 times respectively in summer. June to August is the rainy season, precipitation accounted for 70% of the year, an average of every 2.2 days there is a rainfall. The first year through the rain?
红山文化是我国北方新石器时代一种原始文化 ,因1935年首次发现于赤峰红山而得名 ,主要分布在辽西和内蒙古赤峰一带 ,距今约8000—5000年。1981年4月 ,建平县文物普查 ,在距建平县城14公里的建平