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学习心态是学生学习时的心理状态。数学活动不仅应是认知活动,也应是在情感心态的参与下进行的传感活动。成功的数学活动往往是伴随着最佳心态产生的。那么构成学习数学的最佳心态是什么呢?轻松感。研究表明,人只有在轻松的时候,大脑皮层的神经元才能形成兴奋中心,才能使神经细胞传递信息的通道畅通无阻,思维变得迅速敏捷。这样可加速知识的接收、贮存、加工、组合及提取的进程,知识可以迅速得到巩固并转化为技能。要使学生感到学习数学是件轻松的事,而不是一种负担,可以有很多方法。 Learning attitude is the psychological state of students learning. Mathematical activities should not only be cognitive activities, but also the sensory activities carried out with the emotional attitude. Successful mathematical activities are often accompanied by the best state of mind. So what constitutes the best mindset to learn math? Easy feeling. Research shows that only when relaxed, can the neurons in the cerebral cortex form the center of excitement, so that the nerve cells can transmit the information unimpeded and the mind becomes swift and agile. This accelerates the process of receiving, storing, processing, assembling and extracting knowledge, which can be rapidly consolidated and translated into skills. There are many ways to make students feel that learning math is easy, not a burden.