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高血压的标准与种类 世界卫生组织规定,不论年龄如何,收缩期血压140毫米汞柱以下,舒张期血压90毫米汞柱以下属于正常血压。 收缩期血压160毫米汞柱以上,舒张期血压90毫米汞柱以上为高血压。在正常血压与高血压之间属于临界性高血压。 高血压可分为两种,因为肾脏病、内分泌疾病、神经系统异常或其它疾病引起来的血压升高,可以归入继发性高血压。发病原因不明的高血压是原发性高血压。 在高血压患者之中,95%是原 Hypertension standards and types World Health Organization, regardless of age, systolic blood pressure below 140 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg below the normal blood pressure. Systolic blood pressure above 160 mm Hg, diastolic blood pressure above 90 mm Hg for hypertension. Between normal blood pressure and hypertension are critical hypertension. Hypertension can be divided into two kinds, because of kidney disease, endocrine disease, nervous system abnormalities or other diseases caused by elevated blood pressure, can be classified as secondary hypertension. Hypertension of unknown etiology is essential hypertension. Among hypertensive patients, 95% are original
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贵港市航务管理处认真贯彻实施“港口带动工程”的有关精神,加强水运市场管理,规范业主经营行为,取得了较好的效果。 贵港港是我国内河十大名港之一,货物中转流量大,1994、1