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2007年是中国光盘复制产业的质量年。光盘产业的政府主管部门——国家新闻出版总署将和产业同仁一起,为中国光盘复制产业在“十一五”期间的健康有序发展打下坚实的质量基础。国家新闻出版总署印刷复制管理司王司长在“第八届中国国际光存储设备展览会和技术交流会”的报告中指出:新闻出版总署将继续加强宏观调控,积极支持企业间的联合、兼并,并通过“扶强抑弱”等手段,加大对强势企业做强做大的支持力度。对不成规模,又无特色,达不到光盘产品质量的企业,要采取抑制、萎缩的办法,实现优胜劣汰。我国的光盘复制产业将 2007 is the year of quality of Chinese CD replication industry. The government departments in charge of optical disc industry, the State Press and Publications Administration, will work together with industry colleagues to lay a solid foundation for the healthy and orderly development of China’s disc duplication industry during the 11th “Five-Year Plan” period. Director Wang of Printing and Duplication Management Department of State Press and Publication Administration pointed out in the report of the Eighth China International Optical Storage Equipment Exhibition and Technology Conference that the General Administration of Press and Publication will continue to strengthen macroeconomic regulation and control and actively support the alliance among enterprises. Mergers, and through “boosting weakness” and other means to step up stronger strong business support. To the scale, but no features, disc quality discordant enterprises, to take inhibitions, shrinking approach to achieve the survival of the fittest. China’s CD replication industry will be
2009年2月19日,第五届亚洲国际品牌体育用品及运动时尚博览会(Ispo China)在北京中国国际展览中心再次拉开帷幕。本届展会参观人数再创历史新高。展会覆盖运动行业各个领域,
从玫瑰花里提炼的玫瑰精油,是高级香水的名贵原料,我国大多从欧洲进口。“知道这玩意的价值吗?每克600元人民币!”客户无意中的一句话,让赵鸣找到了创业的方向。    在中国农业大学学植物的赵鸣,毕业后成了郑州一家生物制品公司的白领。赵鸣是个对生活充满激情的人,工作之余喜欢野外探险,考察各种野生植物。2004年春天,他和一帮“驴友”赴新疆旅游时,在一个叫于田的小县城里,意外认识了一个漂亮的当地姑娘沙丽
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GMAT考试(Graduate Management Admission Test,研究生管理入学考试)包括7个部分(Section)试题,每个Section的考试时间为30分钟,其中有阅读理解(Reading Comprehension)、句
It is no secret that Shanghai’s drive to hold a successful World Expo in 2010 has been generously backed with human resources and money by the Central Governme
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