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在大学生中特别是高职大学生中开展创新创业教育有利于建设创新型国家,推动教育改革和社会发展,促进大学生全面发展。目前我国针对大学生的创新创业教育还存教育理念不成熟、师资力量薄弱、教育内容较为匮乏等诸多问题,需要从深化教育改革,强化创新创业教育理论建设,更新创新创业教育教学内容,提升大学生创新创业教育实效。在大学生中特别是高职学生中开展大学生创新创业教育,不仅能提升大学生的职业核心能力,有利于推动教育改革和 Carrying out education for innovation and entrepreneurship among college students, especially for higher vocational students, is conducive to building an innovative country, promoting education reform and social development, and promoting the all-round development of college students. At present, there are still many problems such as the immature educational concept, the weak teaching faculty and the lack of educational content in China’s innovation and entrepreneurship education. It is necessary to deepen the educational reform, strengthen the theory of innovation and entrepreneurship education, update the contents of innovation and entrepreneurship education, and enhance the innovation of college students Entrepreneurship education effectiveness. Carrying out college students’ innovation and entrepreneurship education among college students, especially those who are vocational students, can not only enhance the core competence of college students, but also promote the reform of education and
巴基斯坦北Potwar形变区是西北喜马拉雅褶皱逆冲带前陆区的一部分 ,绘制了该区的地震活动性图 .与相邻地区比较 ,该区地震并不活跃 ,没有显示出与地表地质构造相关的清晰地震
《职业学校学生技能抽测实践与改进研究》是江苏省职业技术教育学会立项课题。本文就淮安市专业技能抽测现状及存在问题进行了论述和分析,并提出了改进建议。 “Vocational
Backscattered electron images, in situ Hf isotopes, U-Pb ages and trace elements of zircons in a banded granulite xenolith from Hannuoba basalt have been studi
目的 :研究T细胞性淋巴瘤 (T -CellLYMPHOMAS ,TCLS)中EPSTEIN -BARR病毒 (EB病毒 )和其受体CD2 1的表达及其相互关系。方法 :对 4 6例TCLS用免疫组化LSAB法检测CD2 1,原位杂
摘要:本文从加强组织领导、加强学生思想道德教育、强化安全教育、建立各种报告制度、抓好学生安全管理、定期进行安全工作检查这六个方面,探讨了如何维护中职卫生学校校园的安全。  关键词:中职卫校 学生 安全教育 管理  校园安全事关中职学校和社会的稳定发展,是学生生存、成长、发展、幸福的前提,是学校教学工作顺利实施的重要保障。近年来,我校在校党委的正确领导下,坚持以邓小平理论、“三个代表”重要思想和党的