
来源 :浙江消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcchencj
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当前,在公安消防警力严重不足,消防监督管理任务日益繁重的新形势下,各级公安消防机构都在积极探索强化队伍建设,向管理要效率,向社会要“警力”的消防建设新路子。在消防联防队伍建设上,我省已有公开向社会招聘、择优录用消防联防队员的“衢州模式”,也有招聘人员享受公安民警待遇,专业从事消防工作的“杭州模式”。这些模式的出现,无疑给我省的消防联防队伍建设注入了新的活力。那么,在那些至今尚不具备上述条件的地区,公安消防机构怎样巩固和发展历史悠久的消防联防队伍,使之真正成为一支联系社会,拾遗补缺的群众性抗御火灾的生力军呢?从嘉兴市秀城区的实践经验看,要在三个方面持之以恒。 At present, under the new situation of a serious shortage of public security fire control forces and the increasingly heavy task of fire supervision and management, public security and fire fighting agencies at all levels are actively exploring ways to strengthen team building, seek new ways of efficiency in management and create a “police force” for the society. In the fire defense team building, our province has openly recruited to the community, merit-based recruitment of fire defense team members, “Quzhou model”, there are recruits to enjoy the treatment of public security police, firefighters specialized in the “Hangzhou model.” The emergence of these models will undoubtedly inject new vitality into the construction of the contingent of fire prevention in our province. So, in those areas that have not met the above-mentioned requirements, how can the public security fire-fighting agencies consolidate and develop a long history of contingent of fire-fighting syndicates so that they can truly become a new force of mass defensive fires linked to the society? Xiucheng District, the practical experience, we must persevere in three areas.
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