
来源 :中学物理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ymeng123
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通过日常生活事例或实验了解摩擦力是新课标对本节的要求,对于摩擦力,学生有丰富的感知,影响摩擦力的因素及增大和减小摩擦的方法,学生接受起来都不因难.但从物理学角度分析摩擦力,学生普遍又受生活经验的影响产生理解误区.如多数学生认为摩擦力大小与物体的接触面积大小有关,这种认识是不正确 Understanding the friction through daily life or experiment is the requirement of this section of the new curriculum. For the friction, the students have a wealth of perception, factors that affect the friction and methods to increase and decrease friction, students are not difficult to accept. However, from the perspective of physics analysis of friction, students generally experience the impact of life experience misunderstandings.As most students think that the size of friction and the size of the contact area of ​​the object, this understanding is not correct
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