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我国的户籍制度和社会保障制度均产生于20世纪50年代,但两者产生的社会背景不一样:前者是为了阻止因农村人口的盲目外流而导致城乡居民利益冲突,后者是为了适应在低水平的经济发展条件下迅速推动工业化进程的需要而建立的。然而,农村经济体制改革以后,大批富余劳动力涌向城市,寻求就业、生存和发展的机会。由于户籍制度,碍于身份的限制,进城务工农民工未能与城镇职工同工同酬和享受同样的社会保障制度。本文从改革户籍制度的角度,对如何完善社会保障制度,维护农民工的就业权和社会保障权,做一些探讨。 Both the household registration system and the social security system in our country originated in the 1950s. However, their social background is different: the former is intended to prevent the rural-urban residents from conflicting interests due to the blind outflow of rural population, and the latter is to adapt to the low Level economy under the conditions of rapid promotion of the needs of the process of industrialization established. However, after the reform of the rural economic system, a large number of surplus labor force flocked to the cities to seek employment, survival and development opportunities. Due to the household registration system and due to the limitation of their status, migrant workers in urban areas failed to enjoy equal pay for equal work with urban workers and enjoy the same social security system. This article from the perspective of reforming the household registration system, to do some research on how to improve the social security system, safeguard the employment rights and social security rights of migrant workers.
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当前,席卷全球的金融危机是史无前例的。刚刚闭幕的亚太经合组织(APEC)第十六次领导人非正式会议发表了以本次会议主题“亚太发展的新承诺”为题的《利马宣言》。 At presen
《中华人民共和国义务教育法》,全国人民代表大会1986年4月12日通过,2006年6月29日第十届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十二次会议修订,自2006年9月1日起施行。 Compulsor
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在我们这个三线小城里,艺考跟烧钱是联系在一起的。我有一个大我七岁的哥,他给我算了一笔账,坚信艺考的投资是值得的。  我爸妈将信将疑,我哥在出发打工前悄悄溜到我房间说:“我是学渣,出去打工不可惜,你有天赋,无论如何要考好。”  我在哥殷切认真的眼神中,努力地点头,心中有些疑惑,我有天赋吗?我只是爱画画而已。哥在省会城市打工一年后,去了上海。他每个月都寄钱来,打电话嘱咐爸妈好好培养我。我学的是美术,请