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恩施位于湖北西南部,素有“世界硒都”、“华中药库”、“鄂西林海”、“烟草王国”之美誉。它北通豫陕,西襟巴蜀,东邻江汉,南极潇湘,肩担重庆、武汉,比邻长江三峡。在这片神奇的土地上,奇特的民族文化积淀深厚,古朴的民风民俗源远流长,旅游景观千姿玎态,名优特产品丰富多彩。湖北恩施经济技术开发区位于恩施自治州首府——恩施市,规划面积23km~2。前身为湖北鄂西红庙经济开发区,是1992年经省人民政府批准设立的省级开发区,也是全省唯一的少数民族地区省级开发区。2003年4月,州人民政府申请省体改委批准将“鄂西红庙经济开发区”更名为“湖北恩施经济技术开发区”。根据项目立区、机制活区、科技兴区的发展思路,恩施州委、州政府力将开发区办成全州改革开放的前沿区,率先与国际接轨的实验区,恩施中等规模城市建设的新城区,产业发展的载体,新型工业的发展平台和经济增长极。随着西部大开发的推进,宜万铁路、沪蓉高速公路 Enshi is located in the southwestern part of Hubei Province and is known as “the world’s selenium”, “Huaxia Pharmacy”, “Heshixin”, “Tobacco Kingdom”. It north-east of Henan and Shaanxi, West Jiacu Bashu, Jianghan east, Antarctic Xiaoxiang shoulder shoulder Chongqing, Wuhan, adjacent to the Three Gorges. In this magical land, the peculiar national culture has a profound and profound heritage. The simple customs of folk customs go back to ancient times, the tourist attractions are beautiful, and the famous and special products are rich and colorful. Enshi Economic and Technological Development Zone in Hubei Enshi Autonomous Prefecture is located in the capital - Enshi City, planning area of ​​23km ~ 2. Formerly known as Hubei Hongmiao Economic Development Zone in Hubei Province, it was the provincial-level development zone approved by the provincial people’s government in 1992 and the only provincial-level development zone in the province. In April 2003, the State People’s Government applied for approval by the Provincial Commission of Reform and Reform to rename “Hubei Hongmiao Economic Development Zone” to “Hubei Enshi Economic and Technological Development Zone”. According to the project development area, the mechanism of living area, the development of science and technology Xing District ideas, Enshi Prefecture Committee, the state government will be the development zone into a frontier zone of reform and opening up the state, the first with the international experimental zone, Enshi middle-scale urban construction New City, the carrier of industrial development, the development platform of new industries and the pole of economic growth. With the development of the western development, Yi Wan Railway, Shanghai-Chengdu Expressway
本文介绍了一种新的应用于VOF方法中的二维自由而重构途径。相对于别的自由面重构法而言,这种途径更有效,它能更准确地给出自由面的位置,同时还适用于变间隔网格系统。 This paper
为帮助各国运动员远离兴奋剂,WADA日前发布了一份有关反兴奋剂知识测验的材料。现摘编如下,供我国运动员、教练员参考。 1.肌酸有一些未知的长期副作用,很多运动员抱怨因使用
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海伦·格里莫热爱接受采访。对一个习惯于想从高傲自居的指挥家那里套出些故事,或者与神经过敏而守口如瓶的独奏家展开对话的记者来说,不亚于中了头彩。 “我有时听到同事们
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