The Tara Oceans Project:New Opportunities and Greater Challenges Ahead

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In the May 22,2015 issue of Science magazine,several articles(including the editorial,research papers,and perspectives)were published on the Tara Oceans Project and studies related to ocean microbes[1–8].This represents truly a milestone for studies in both ocean ecology and microbial communities.As stated on the European Molecular Biology Laboratory(EMBL)website(‘‘Tara Oceans results reveal climate change insights,and a In the May 22, 2015 issue of Science magazine, several articles (including the editorial, research papers, and perspectives) were published on the Tara Oceans Project and studies related to ocean microbes [1-8] .This represents truly a milestone for studies in both ocean ecology and microbial communities. As stated on the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) website ( ’’ Tara Oceans results reveal climate change insights, and a
摘 要近年来,随着新课改的发展和推进,我国教育正朝着素质教育的方向迈进。然而,由于山区农村地区经济条件的限制以及传统观念的束缚,整体教学质量堪忧,小学数学教学也处在一个较低的水平,存在着许多问题,并且山区农村留守儿童的问题比较严重,导致家庭教育不能及时跟进,学生的数学素养很差。基于此,本文笔者结合自身教学实践,首先分析了山区农村小学数学教学存在的问题,然后在此基础上分析了提升山区农村小学数学教学质
重症肌无力(MG)的发病机制尚不明确,自1960年以来,MG被认为是一种自身免疫性疾 病.随着分了生物的发展,MG发病可能不有遗传因素参与.为进一步阐明MG发病机制,该课题对MG的HLA
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摘 要文章主要对《19钱学森》这一课时进行了教学设计。  关键词语文;钱学森  中图分类号:G623.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1002-7661(2018)23-0226-01  教学目标:能正确、流利地朗读课文;学习本课部分生字,能正确美观书写“额”和“裕”;整体把握课文主要内容,学习课文2—6自然段,抓住钱学森说的两句话,体会钱学森的拳拳爱国心。  教学重难点:体会钱学森的拳拳爱国心。 