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春节,传统节日里备受百姓重视的佳节,上了学的孩子们放下书本,欢天喜地放鞭炮、逛庙会、收压岁钱,也只有此时父母才不会逼着孩子写作业、读书。而正在北京未成年犯管教所里服刑的未成年犯们,他们不能与家人团聚过年,就把监区当成自己的大家庭,利用未管所拨出的专项资金,把监舍挂满拉花、气球、小灯笼,窗户上甚至贴上亲手制作的窗花,参加一些文体活动和娱乐比赛,喜庆、欢乐地过大年。也有一小部分余刑短、改造表现好、不存在危害社会危险的未成年犯,在经过严格考核、审批手续后,回到家中与亲人团聚过春节。近五年来,就北京市未成年犯管教所来说,先后有31名未成年犯由于改造表现好被监狱机关批准回家过春节。他们在家里如何过年呢?本期,我们特约北京市未管所的管教干警采访了今年春节放假回家过年的两名未成年犯。 During the Spring Festival and the traditional festivals, the festival has drawn much attention from the people. When children go to school, they put aside their books, put firecrackers on fire, strolled the temple fair and confiscated the new year’s money. Only then did the parents force their children to write assignments and study. The juvenile criminals serving sentences in Beijing’s juvenile delinquement camp, who can not reunite with their families, consider the district as their own big family, , Balloons, small lanterns, windows or even paste the hand-made window grille, to participate in some sports activities and entertainment competitions, festive, happy to be the New Year. There is also a small part of the remaining sentences, the performance of reform is good, and there are no juvenile offenders who endanger the social danger. After passing stringent examination and approval formalities, they returned home and reunited with their loved ones for the Spring Festival. In the past five years, in respect of the juvenile detention center in Beijing, 31 juvenile offenders have been approved by the prison authorities to go home for the Spring Festival due to their good performance in reconstruction. How do they get the New Year in their home? In this issue, our specially trained police officer in charge of the Beijing Unmanaged Office interviewed two juvenile offenders who returned home during the Spring Festival this year.
那年校园里的“隔年红”开得特别多,特别艳,我站在一片粉红的花朵中无声地流着眼泪。 That year on campus “every other year red ” opened a particularly large numbe
英国Smithers Pira咨询公司近日发布有关高阻隔包装薄膜的市场报告。据悉,全球高阻隔包装薄膜有望保持每年4.7%的年复合增长率,更加注重消费者的便利和食品安全。根据Smither