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学界对于交通事故高峰出现在交通高峰期还是之后的消散期存在争论,以惠州市中心城区为例,对城市交通事故进行研究,判别交通消散期事故高峰现象的存在性。以交通事故空间点数据为研究对象,使用核心密度估算法,分析交通事故的结构性特征和时空分布特征,并针对三个交通消散期研究其事故的具体特征及其成因。研究表明:惠州市中心城区交通消散期存在事故高峰现象,主要发生在上午和下午;机动车在交通事故中占主导地位;临近商业设施的交通消散期事故高峰现象最为明显;支路事故在晚间交通消散期后段出现了事故高峰;从上午到晚上,交通事故黑点从交通相关设施转移到商业设施。交通消散期事故高峰现象的形成与居民集中在交通消散期的非通勤交通行为、特定路段的小时交通量高峰出现在交通消散期,以及交通消散期内松懈的交通管制和驾驶行为等有一定的关系。 There is controversy in the academic circles about whether the traffic accident peak appears in the dissipation period after the traffic peak or afterward. Taking Huizhou downtown area as an example, the author studies the urban traffic accident to determine the existence of the peak accident in the traffic dissipation period. Taking the data of traffic accident space as the research object, the core density estimation method is used to analyze the structural characteristics and the spatial and temporal distribution characteristics of traffic accidents. The specific characteristics of the accident and its causes are studied for three traffic dissipation periods. The research shows that there is an accident peak in the traffic dissipating period in the central urban area of ​​Huizhou City, which occurs mainly in the morning and afternoon. The motor vehicles occupy the leading position in the traffic accidents. The traffic accident near the commercial facilities has the most obvious peak accidents. Traffic accident period occurred after the peak of the accident; from morning to night, black spots from traffic-related facilities transferred to commercial facilities. The formation of the peak of traffic dispel accident and the concentration of residents in non-commuting traffic during the traffic dissipating period, the peak of hourly traffic of certain sections appeared in the period of traffic dissipation and lax traffic control and driving behavior in the traffic dissipating period, etc. relationship.
应用无标样法对渗氮钢表面渗氮层进行逐层定量分析,发现该方法本身对择优取向误差有校正作用。 The application of standard sample method to nitriding layer on nitrided
化学基本概念指的是化学学科中较为基础且广泛应用的化学概念。它是人们对日常生活、生产和实验中的化学现象经过比较、综合、分析、归纳、类比等方法抽象出来的理性知识,反映化学现象本质属性的思维形式,是化学学科中构成判断和推理的要素,是化学原理和规律的推理和论证的根据。  初中化学基本概念包括具体概念、定义概念和技能概念,而定义概念又包含定义性概念和规则性概念。定义性概念是指对事物内部实质性的含义的表述,如
背景资料●2008年3月1日,广东省委书记汪洋就产业转移园区建设提出,省里每年拿出一定数量的扶持资金面向各市招标,谁的方案好,谁的效益大,就由谁来用这笔资金。 Background