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三、历史应是一份褪色的记忆我们先祖兰桂是广州白云区龙归北村人,兰桂乃艺名。徐癸酉,字显常,是先祖的学名。生于清朝嘉庆十八年癸酉年(1813年),卒于光绪十二年(1886年),享年七十四岁。徐癸酉(兰桂)晚年隐归龙归北村,和谐乡邻,热衷教育,斥资建显常书舍捐资北村公益造福乡梓,今天在北村乡约祠内依然可见光绪年间的石碑,刻有显常(癸酉)捐款数排第二(见图四),被清廷例授“登仕郎”官衔(有神主牌为证)。徐癸酉六岁左右入北村私塾开始接受启 Third, history should be a faded memory Our ancestor Lan Kwai is Baiyun District, Guangzhou Longgui Kitakura people, Lan Gui is the stage name. Xu Gui unitary, the word is unusual, is the ancestor’s scientific name. Born in the 18th year of the Jiaqing reign (1813), died in the 12th year of Emperor Guangxu (1886) at the age of seventy-four. Xu Gui you (Lan Gui) Longgui North Village in her later years, harmonious neighbors, keen on education, to spend money to build an uncompromising public housing donations to Kitakura public welfare Township Azusa, today in North Village inscriptions still visible Guangxu years steles, inscribed (Gui you) ranked second in the number of donations (see Figure 4), was granted by the Qing court “Deng Shilang ” official title (with God card as evidence). Xu Gui-you-year-old into the Kitakura private school began to accept Kai
It is revealed that the protolith of gray-light brown potash-feldspar-leucogranulites and granulites in the 2nd formation of the LG in Tanyaokou deposit are qua
鲁迅先生说,惟有民魂是值得宝贵的,惟有他发扬起来,中国才有真进步。 Mr. Lu Xun said that only the people’s soul is valuable, and only if he develops it will China