The application of regularization technique based on partial optimization in the nearfield acoustic

来源 :Chinese Journal of Acoustics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shaou0633
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The regularization technique for stabilizing the reconstruction based on the nearfield acoustic holography(NAH) was investigated on the basis of the equivalent source method.In order to obtain higher regularization effect,a regularization method based on the idea of partial optimization was proposed,which inherits the advantages of the Tikhonov and another regularization method—truncated singular value decomposition(TSVD).Through the numerical simulation,it is proved that the proposed method is stabler than the Tikhonov,and more precise than the TSVD.Finally the validity and the feasibility of the proposed method are demonstrated by an experiment carried out in a semi-anechoic room with two speakers. The regularization technique for stabilizing the reconstruction based on the nearfield acoustic holography (NAH) was investigated on the basis of the equivalent source method. Order to obtain higher regularization effect, a regularization method based on the idea of ​​partial optimization was proposed, which inherits the advantages of the Tikhonov and another regularization method-truncated singular value decomposition (TSVD). Through the numerical simulation, it is proved that the proposed method is stabler than the Tikhonov, and more precise than the TSVD. Finaally the validity and the feasibility of the proposed method are demonstrated by an experiment carried out in a semi-anechoic room with two speakers.
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