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高中数学数列类型题目解题难度大,以往高考将数列作为压轴题,其原因就在于数列难度大、综合性强,考察同学们对综合知识的掌握情况。在这以惯性思维的影响下,同学们普遍觉得数列难度大,抱着这样的想法展开数列单元学习活动,使得同学们学习数列难上加难。当然,也有极少数同学认为数列其实并不难,只要掌握好解题方法,学会灵活变通,多做题形成丰富的经验,自然可以顺应应对数列类型题目。但总的来说,掌握好解题方法和技巧,仍然是解决同学们 The problem of high school mathematics series type problem solving is very difficult. In the past, the college entrance examination put the series as the finale problem because of the difficulty of the series and the comprehensiveness, and investigated the students’ mastery of the comprehensive knowledge. Under the influence of inertial thinking, students generally find it difficult to run a series of numbers. Taking such an idea to start a series of unit learning activities makes it harder for the students to learn the series. Of course, there are a very few students who think that sequence numbers are actually not that hard. As long as they have a good grasp of problem solving methods, they can learn to work flexibly and learn more to form rich experiences. Naturally, they can cope with the problems of sequence types. However, in general, mastering problem-solving methods and techniques is still the solution to their classmates
患儿男,40天,因频繁呕吐、面黄肌瘦半个月就诊.患儿出生时体重3.5 kg,间断呕吐,大便正常.近半个月,频繁呕吐,大便量渐减少,面色发黄,皮下脂肪变薄,体重未增,仍为3.5 kg.入院后查体:消瘦病容,腹部皮下脂肪厚度0.2 cm,胃窦部未触及包块.辅助检查:血常规:白细胞8.9×109/L,血红蛋白10 g/dl。
社 会生活全面的计算机化、信息化和网络化的到来,信息技术在展示科学技术向当今社会文化的全面渗透、推动社会文化的演化发展中,发挥着核心作用。今天的世界正向电脑网络时代
本文根据对菠萝和水稻的研究,论述了土壤和植物体内铁与锰的关系,认为在植物体内铁与锰的比例应保持一个平衡的关系。如果锰多铁少、比例失调,作物的正常生长将受到危害。 B
Some numerical models such as central atoms model (CAM) and superelement model were used to si mu-late the thermodynamics of austenite decomposition in the Fe-C