Real-time dynamic system to path tracking and collision avoidance for redundant robotic arms

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jj806778025
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An dynamic system for real-time obstacle avoidance path planning of redundant robots is constructed in this paper. Firstly, the inter-frame difference method is used to identify the moving target and to calculate the target area, then on the basis of color features and gradient features extracted from the target area, the feature fusion Cam-Shift mean shift algorithm is used to track target, improving the robustness of the tracking algorithm. Secondly, a parallel two-channel target identification and location method based on binocular vision is proposed, updating the target’s three-dimensional information in real time. Then, a dynamic collision-free path planning method is implemented: the safety rods are removed through the intersection test, and the minimum distance is derived directly by using the coordinate values of the target in the local coordinate system of the rod. On this basis, the obstacle avoidance gain and escape velocity related to the minimum distance is established, and obstacle avoidance path planning is implemented by using the zero space mapping matrix of redundant robot. Experiments are performed to study the efficiency of the proposed system. An dynamic system for real-time obstacle avoidance path planning of redundant robots is constructed in this paper. Firstly, the inter-frame difference method is used to identify the moving target and to calculate the target area, then on the basis of color features and gradient features extracted from the target area, the feature fusion Cam-Shift mean shift algorithm is used to track target, improving the robustness of the tracking algorithm. Secondary, a parallel two-channel target identification and location method based on binocular vision is proposed, updating the target’s three-dimensional information in real time. Then, a dynamic collision-free path planning method implemented: the safety rods are removed through the intersection test, and the minimum distance is derived directly by using the coordinate values ​​of the target in the local coordinate system of the rod. On this basis, the obstacle avoidance gain and escape velocity related to the minimum distance is established, an d obstacle avoidance path planning is implemented by using the zero space mapping matrix of redundant robot. Experiments are performed to study the efficiency of the proposed system.
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【摘要】目前在市场经济冲击下,处于特殊生产环境的煤炭企业人才队伍面临着人才缺乏、流失严重的困境,给煤炭企业的健康发展带来了负面影响。如何培养、吸引和使用好人才已成为煤炭企业普遍面临的一个重大而紧迫的课题,本文就艰苦专业大学生专业思想问题进行分析,试图找出解决其思想问题的良好途径。  【关键词】艰苦专业;专业思想    在理工科院校尤其是部属院校中有相当一批面向石油、地质、矿业和测绘等艰苦行业的专业