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目的建立高效、快速的外周血Cytokeratin 20(CK20)表达的检测方法,探讨大肠癌患者外周血中CK20的表达与微转移的关系,研究大肠癌与p53基因突变的关系。方法运用荧光监测技术结合RT-PCR,检测36例大肠癌患者术前和术后不同时间外周血中的CK20的表达。用SSCP技术对大肠癌患者进行p53基因的突变检测。结果36例患者术前的外周血中检出CK20表达的有27例,阳性率为75%,手术后24 h患者外周血中检出CK20表达的有30例,阳性率为83.3%,术后早期化疗结束后仅13例为阳性,阳性率为36%。36例患者的p53基因的SSCP突变检测中未检测到突变。结论运用荧光RT-PCR技术检测外周血中CK20的表达可以监测癌症微转移的发生,简便快速,检出率高。 Objective To establish an efficient and rapid method for the detection of Cytokeratin 20 (CK20) expression in peripheral blood, to investigate the relationship between the expression of CK20 and the micrometastasis in patients with colorectal cancer, and to investigate the relationship between colorectal cancer and p53 gene mutation. Methods The expression of CK20 in peripheral blood of 36 patients with colorectal cancer before and after operation was detected by fluorescence monitoring and RT-PCR. SSCP was used to detect the mutation of p53 gene in patients with colorectal cancer. Results Twenty-seven cases of CK20 were found in the peripheral blood of the preoperative patients. The positive rate was 75%. Twenty patients with CK20 were detected in peripheral blood at 24 hours after surgery. The positive rate was 83.3%. Only 13 cases were positive after the end of early chemotherapy, and the positive rate was 36%. No mutations were detected in the SSCP mutations of the p53 gene in 36 patients. Conclusion The use of fluorescent RT-PCR to detect the expression of CK20 in peripheral blood can monitor the occurrence of cancer micrometastasis, which is simple and rapid, and the detection rate is high.
读罢张签名同志的《破除“宴八股”》(载《中国食品》1990年第8期),禁不住为之叫好.“宴八股’无疑该破,建议采取以下办法,或许有益. It is doubtless that this “banquet
翠珠龙舟鱼由鲜鲩鱼、鲜青豆、鸡汤和鸡油为主要原料精制而成.成品菜雅观别致,青豆似翠绿的宝珠,鲩鱼如金黄色的龙船,质地外脆里嫩,味道清香鲜美. Cuizhu Dragon Boat Fish
吃盐过多易患中风美国明尼苏达大学的路易斯·托拜恩和苏珊·汉伦经研究认为,日本人患中风的比率较高,主要是由于吃盐太多的缘故. Too much salt and susceptible to strok
主料:大虾、菜心.辅料: 盐、味精、白糖、高汤、淀粉、花生油、蛋清、黑芝麻、胡萝卜(切细丝)、虾胶(虾肉剁泥加盐、味精、蛋清、淀粉 调稠)各适量. Ingredients: Prawn, A
金曾豪江苏常熟人,中国作家协会会员,苏州市作协副主席。出版著作25部,另有《金曾豪 文集》(四卷)。其中长篇小说《狼的故事》《青春口哨》《苍狼》以及散文集《蓝调江南》获得中国作协第2、第3、第4届和第6届全国优秀儿童文学奖。《青春口哨》还获得中宣部第5届全国“五个一工程奖”。  初中三年,是我一生中读书较多的时期。故乡那所中学当时还在草创阶段,那个只有万册规模的图书室,因为没有专门的管理人员,学生
患者,男,48岁.因发热1个月,周身浅表淋巴结肿大6 d,于2003年11月6日入院。
原料:鲜扇贝1000克,胡萝卜球175克,青笋球175克(用小半圆勺挖好),鱼胶粉25克,葱姜各30克,高汤750克,料酒50克,味精10克,精盐5克,水淀粉50克,鸡蛋清50克,植物油50克. Raw ma
茄汁冬瓜排原料:去皮冬瓜450克、面包150克、鸡蛋2只,菜油750克(耗75,克)、番茄酱50克、精盐、味精、面粉、白糖各适量. Tomato juice gourd row of raw materials: peeled