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一篇优秀的作文犹如一套优美的组合家具,它由一个个小巧玲珑的部件组合而成。片断作文如同纽合家具中的一个部件,它既是整体中的一部分,又是一个能合能分的独立体,有较高的训练价值。1.有利于开展灵活的练笔活动生活中受到某种启发,点滴妙绪油然而生,及时写成片断,虽则三言两语,却能引人深思,其效果远远胜于泛泛而谈。阅读精彩语段,浮想联翩,录于笔端而成片断,便能融模仿和创造于一炉。在写作技能上,学生往往各有千秋,教师可因材施教,分类指导。学生可取人之长,补己之短,且写片断费时不多,可见缝插针。灵活安排,得到频频练笔的机会。2.有利于培养良好的思维品质进行片断写作训练,可以达到优化忍维的目的,具体手段是:第一,定向求优。利用片断作丈角度小这一可取之处,通过命题进行思维聚焦,引导学生注目最需细 A good composition is like a beautiful combination of furniture, which consists of a combination of small and exquisite parts. Piece composition as a part of the nested furniture, it is not only part of the whole, but also an independent body that can work together, with high training value. 1. conducive to carry out flexible practice pen life inspired by some kind of inspiration, some slightest slightest slightest inspiration slogan, in time to write pieces, though a few words, but it can give thought to, the effect is far better than the general discussion. Reading wonderful language, imagination, recorded in the pen ends into pieces, we can melt imitation and create in a furnace. In writing skills, students often have their own strengths and weaknesses, teachers can teach students according to their aptitude, classification guide. Students desirable length, make up for the short, and write a piece of time-consuming, visible stitches. Flexible arrangements, get frequent practice opportunities. 2. conducive to cultivating good thinking quality of the piece writing training, you can achieve the purpose of optimizing tolerance, the specific means are: First, the direction of gifted. The use of fragments for the small angle of Zhang this desirable place, through the focus of thinking proposition, to guide the attention of students the most in need of fine
问:我儿子不爱写作业。老师布置了6项作业,他只抄3项回家,然后说只有这3项。有时候,他说在学校已经写完部分作业交上去了,可实际上并没有。他是在说谎。 Q: My son does not
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兼管GAIIA日常事务的美国信息产业协会(IIA)主席Allen先生表示,将组织IIA 15~20个成员赴会,并在大会作《全球电子商务的发展状况》的演说。加拿大EDI推进协会会长Spence先生