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自有战争以来,气象就与战争结下了不解之缘,不同的气象条件,不仅影响了战争的胜败,甚至改写了历史1 气象影响战争公元前256年,罗马军队进攻迦太基。一开始罗马舰队由于装有新技术装备,屡战屡胜,占领了阿斯皮斯城,距迦太基城只有3~4天航程,正值冬天来临,补给困难,只得留下少量士兵驻守阿斯皮斯城,大队撤回。迦太基军队趁机反攻,罗马派出一支350艘船只组成的海军舰队去接应,不料舰队在卡马里那附近遇上风暴,死伤船员、水手近10万,只有80艘船只侥幸逃脱。正是由于天气的原因,迦太基赢得了喘息的机会。1944年12月16日,拥有20多艘航空母舰、8艘战列舰、数十艘巡洋舰和驱逐舰组成的美国“哈尔西”舰 Since the time of the war, meteorology has become inextricably bound with the war. Different meteorological conditions have not only affected the victory or defeat of the war, but have even rewritten the historical 1 meteorological war. The Roman army attacked Carthage in 256 BC. Since the beginning of the Roman fleet equipped with new technology and equipment, repeated wins and wins, occupying the city of Aspis, only 3 to 4 days away from the city of Carthage, when the winter is approaching, supply difficulties, leaving only a small number of soldiers stationed Aspisi City, brigade withdrew. The Carthaginian Army took the opportunity to counterattack. Rome sent a naval fleet of 350 ships to meet. Unexpectedly, the fleet encountered a storm near Kamari. Nearly 100,000 sailors, sailors and seamen died, and only 80 ships escaped. It is precisely because of the weather that Carthage won a respite. December 16, 1944, with more than 20 aircraft carriers, 8 battleships, dozens of cruisers and destroyers composed of the United States “Halsey ” ship
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论述了航空材料数据库的建库及管理软件的设计和应用情况。 Discusses the construction and management software of aviation material database design and application.
利用随机变量变换,分别在完全样本和第Ⅱ型截尾样本的情形下,得到一个求极值Ⅰ型变异系数的置信限的一个简便而有效的办法. By using the random variable transformation, a s
对飞船再入舱高超声速化学非平衡三维流场进行数值模拟。控制方程为含化学反应源项的全Navier- Stokes 方程组, 化学模型为高温空气的七组元模型, 其组元成分为N2 、O2、NO、N、O、NO+ 、e- 。差分格式采