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嘉政办发[2011]78号各县(市、区)人民政府,市政府各部门、直属各单位:人行嘉兴市中心支行《关于金融促进全市经济发展方式转变的指导意见》已经市政府同意,现转发给你们,请认真贯彻执行。关于金融促进全市经济发展方式转变的指导意见人行嘉兴市中心支行二○一一年五月为深入贯彻中央、省、市经济工作会议和全国金融工作会议精神,按照加快经济发展方式转变的总体要求,现就落实稳健货币政策,促进信贷结构调整,提高金融服务水平,加快我市经济转型发展提出如下指导意见:一、提高认识,准确把握宏观政策意图(一)提高对经济发展方式转变重要性的认识。2011年是“十二五”的开局之年,是我市加快转变 The People’s Government of all counties (cities, districts) and departments and units directly under the Municipal Government of Jiazheng Office [2011] No.78 Guidance Opinions on Guiding the Financial Transformation of the Economic Development of the City Guided by the central branch of the People’s Bank of Jiaxing has been approved by the municipal government, Now forwarded to you, please conscientiously implement it. Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Transformation of the Economic Development Mode of the City by PBOC In May 2011, in order to thoroughly implement the economic working conference of the central, provincial and municipal governments as well as the national financial working conference, in accordance with the general requirements for accelerating the transformation of the mode of economic development , We hereby put forward the following guidance on the implementation of prudent monetary policy, promotion of credit structure adjustment, improvement of financial service level and acceleration of the economic restructuring and development of our city: I. Raising awareness and accurately grasping the intent of macroeconomic policies (1) Raising the importance of changing the mode of economic development Understanding. 2011 is the first year of the “Twelfth Five-Year Plan”, and it is a speedy change for the city
本文对高校体育实施素质教育,对高校体育教师业务能力提出的新要求,以及目前高校体育教师的素质现状进行了阐述。 This article expounds the implementation of quality ed
In this paper, we study the effect of safety factor profiles, particularly with a very weak magnetic shear, on the m/n = 1mode excited by energetic ions in toka