
来源 :中国石油石化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cboy
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焉耆盆地位于南天山褶皱带上,西起霍拉山,东至克孜勒山和铜矿山,北至南天山,南抵库鲁克山。盆地内地势西高东低、北高南低,四周向盆地中心倾斜。盆地东西长160Km,南北宽60~90km,面积13000km~2,为一长轴呈北西西向延伸的菱形盆地。博湖坳陷位于盆地南部,面积6000km~2,基底最大埋深7000m,是中生界的主要沉积区和主要保存区,分布面积3800km~2,由南向北,由坳陷中部向四周,中生界厚度逐渐减薄。 Yanqi Basin is located in the South Tianshan fold belt, west of Hora, east Kyzyl Hill and copper mines, north to south Tianshan, south to Kuluk. The interior of the basin is high in the west, low in the west, low in the north and high in the south, and is inclined to the center of the basin in all directions. The basin is 160km long in east and west and 60 ~ 90km wide in north and south with an area of ​​13000km ~ 2. It is a rhombic basin with a long axis extending from northwest to west. The Bohu Depression is located in the south of the basin with an area of ​​6000km ~ 2 and a maximum buried depth of 7000m. It is the main depositional area and main preservation area of ​​Mesozoic. Its distribution area is 3800km ~ 2, from south to north, Mesozoic thickness gradually thinning.
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