9月的蓉城,丹桂飘香,秋雨霏霏。9月12日,四川省科技厅组织皮革工业的有关专家在成都市,对四川大学、成都海天绿色化学技术研究中心开发的《原子经济性利用铬革废弃物制备蛋白类复鞣剂和涂饰剂》的科研项目进行了技术鉴定,并获得专家鉴定委员会的一致通过。 我国是制革生产大国,猪皮革产量居世界首位。据有关部门的不完全统计,每年约产生140多万吨皮革边角废弃物,其中铬革废弃物约70万吨。为有效地利用制革废弃物。使其变废为宝,进一步推动制革工业的发展。在四川大学博土生导师张铭让教授的带
In September, Rongcheng, Dangui fragrance, autumn rain. On September 12, the Sichuan Provincial Science and Technology Department organized the relevant experts of the leather industry in Chengdu to develop retanning and finishing agents for chrome leather waste atomic economy using the Sichuan University and Chengdu Haitian Green Chemistry Technology Research Center. The scientific research project of the “Technical Appraisal” was approved by the Expert Appraisal Committee. China is a big producer of leather and the output of pig leather ranks first in the world. According to the incomplete statistics of the relevant departments, about 1.4 million tons of leather corner wastes are produced each year, of which about 700,000 tons of chrome leather wastes. To effectively use leather tanning waste. It turned waste into treasure and further promoted the development of the tanning industry. The Band of Prof. Zhang Mingrang from Sichuan University