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由于我国人民平均寿命延长,老年人口不断增加,患细菌性痢疾的相对频率亦随之增加,因此,有关老年人细菌性痢疾(下称菌痢)的临床特征及防治问题,应予以足够的重视。现将我院收治的80例老年性急性菌痢报告分析如下: 一般资料:1960年1月~1985年12月共收治急性菌痢1440例,老年患者80例,最高年龄90岁,其中男54例,女36例。夏秋二季发病者约占78.75%,87.5%的患者(70例)有不洁饮食史,其中吃腐败及隔夜酸馊食物发病者39例,吃制作不洁的凉拌菜31例。临床表现:胃寒发热、腹泻、腹痛、里急后重、下腹坠胀等菌痢的常见症状与中青年组相似,而老年组在中毒型菌痢、脱水、脱水酸中毒、休克及神经精神症状的发生率与中青年组相比均有显著差异(P<0.01)(附表)。 Due to the prolonged average life expectancy of our people and the increasing elderly population, the relative frequency of bacterial dysentery also increases. Therefore, the clinical features and prevention and treatment of bacterial dysentery in the elderly should be given sufficient attention . Now 80 cases of acute bacillary dysentery reported in our hospital are analyzed as follows: General Information: From January 1960 to December 1985, a total of 1440 cases of acute bacillary dysentery were received, 80 cases of elderly patients, the maximum age of 90 years, of which 54 male Cases, female 36 cases. The incidence of summer and autumn seasons accounted for about 78.75%, 87.5% of the patients (70 cases) had a history of unclean diet, including eating corruption and overnight sour food incidence in 39 cases, eating dirty salad dishes in 31 cases. Clinical manifestations: common cold and fever, diarrhea, abdominal pain, tenesmus, abdominal bulge and other common symptoms of bacillary dysentery and young group similar to the old group in the poisoning bacillary dysentery, dehydration, dehydration acidosis, shock and neuropsychiatric symptoms Compared with the young group, there was a significant difference (P <0.01) (Table).
论述了碱金属元素对多种铁碳铸造合金的重要改性作用。 The important modification effect of alkali metals on many kinds of iron-carbon casting alloys is discussed.
多发性骨髓瘤侵及纵隔的较为少见,现报道2例。例1 男性、51岁。以胸闷、胸痛20余天,查体发现右上纵隔肿块入院。物理检查无特殊发现。实验室检查,肝、肾功能、血常规正常。
厌氧菌感染有时可引起小儿复发性腮腺炎。本文介绍1例复发性腮腺炎患儿伴有明显腮腺管变形,并至少一次是由不常见的病原体厌氧加夫基球菌(Gaffkya anaerobia)所引起。病例数