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用同步辐射X荧光微束扫描技术测量了未经处理的、腹腔注射CdCl2的及注射后用新型的络合剂促排的兰组Wistar大鼠的肾切片。结果表明Cd主要分布在肾的皮质部分,而髓质部分含量很低。用多元素统计分析探讨了元素间的关系:在正常鼠肾中,元素分布基本上聚类成两大类,其中微量元素Cu、Zn.Mn和Se为一类。它们在肾中的分布有效强的共位性,处于平衡状态;急性中毒时,Cd与Se的距离最近,有较强的相互作用,其次是与Ca,此时元素的分类不明显,平衡被打乱;中毒后用新药促排的Se和Zn强相关并聚为一类,其它元素间的相关性变弱,元素基本上又趋于分为两类。 Synchrotron radiation X-ray microbeam scanning technique was used to measure the renal sections of untreated, intraperitoneal, and post-injection neonatal Wistar rats with a novel complexing agent. The results show that Cd is mainly distributed in the cortex of the kidney, while the medulla portion is very low. The relationship between the elements was explored by multi-element statistical analysis: in normal rat kidney, the elemental distribution basically clustered into two categories, among which the trace elements Cu, Zn. Mn and Se are a category. Their distribution in the kidney is strong and effective, and they are in a state of balance. In acute poisoning, the distance between Cd and Se is the most recent, with strong interaction, followed by Ca, and the classification of elements is not obvious at this time. The balance is Disrupted; after poisoning with new drugs to promote the emission of Se and Zn strongly related and clustered into a group, other elements of the relationship between the weaker, the elements are basically tends to be divided into two categories.
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