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对一例腹部多器官联合移植(AMVT)患者移植胰腺的功能进行了连续监测,结果表明,移植胰腺发生了血液再灌注的损伤但恢复很快,术后早期已经具备了良好的功能。据此认为:AMVT术后,血清C-肽结合血糖测定可较好反映移植胰腺的内分泌功能,血糖的监测对于治疗、特别是决定要否补充外源性胰岛素非常重要;存在外源性胰岛素的情况下,血胰岛素的检测临床意义不大;血淀粉酶和脂肪酶的测定可同时反映移植胰腺的损伤情况与外分泌功能,应作为AMVT术后移植胰腺功能监测的重要指标。 The function of the transplanted pancreas was continuously monitored in a patient with multiple abdominal organ transplantation (AMVT). The results showed that the transplanted pancreas suffered blood reperfusion injury but recovered rapidly and had good function in the early postoperative period. Based on this, it is believed that the serum C-peptide combined with blood glucose measurement after AMVT can better reflect the endocrine function of the transplanted pancreas. Monitoring of blood glucose is very important for the treatment, especially for the decision whether to supplement exogenous insulin; there is exogenous insulin. Under the circumstances, the detection of blood insulin has little clinical significance; the determination of serum amylase and lipase can reflect the damage and exocrine function of the transplanted pancreas at the same time. It should be used as an important indicator of the function monitoring of transplanted pancreas after AMVT.
1992~1994年共手术治疗直肠癌165例。本文就其手术并发症的预防和治疗分析如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料165例直肠癌病人中,男89例,女76例,年龄20~85岁,平均53.8岁,40~65岁占68.48%。肿瘤位于直肠上、中、下段分别为59例... From
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