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随着全球化进程的推进,各国之间的文化交流也日益频繁,促进文化的发展成为各国发展关注的重要课题。文学作品的传播成为文化交流不可或缺的重要途径,对文学作品进行翻译,必然也是促进国家间文化传播的重要方式。英美文学作为西方文学的重要组成部分,受到越来越多人的关注,而要阅读英美文学的相关作品,必然要对其进行翻译,以此来满足国内读者的阅读需求。由于语言和文化上的差异,不对等性成为英美文学翻译中一个常见的现象。目前对于不对等现象的研究还不够全面、系统,本文将从不对等 As the process of globalization progresses, the cultural exchanges between countries are also becoming more frequent and the promotion of cultural development has become an important issue of development concern for all countries. The dissemination of literary works has become an indispensable means of cultural exchange. Translating literary works must also be an important way to promote the cultural diffusion among different countries. Anglo-American literature, as an important part of western literature, is receiving more and more attention. To read relevant works of Anglo-American literature, it is bound to be translated in order to meet the needs of domestic readers. Due to language and cultural differences, non-equivalence has become a common phenomenon in the translation of British and American literature. The current research on the phenomenon of unequal is not comprehensive enough, the system, this article will never be equal
Aim: As an attempt to clarify the molecular basis of castration-induced apoptosis, this study was undertaken todemonstrate the expression of caspase-1 in male
Peptide nucleicacid( PNA) is a DNA mimic thatwas originally developed by Pe-ter E Nielsen in1 991 as a reagentfor sequence- specific recognition of double stran
摘 要近几年来,随着中外贸易往来的频繁增加,越来越多的学生开始学习外语,尤其是学习小语种的学生的数量,更是逐年增加,然而在学习的过程中,却存在一定的问题。接下来,本文将结合法语学习过程中存在的问题,探讨大学法语的学学习策略。  【关键词】法语学习;问题;学习策略  1 引言  近几年来,随着社会的发展以及经济的提升,企业与企业之间的竞争越来越激励,对于人才的要求也越来越高,尤其是对于外语人才的要求
三千五百年以前的一个清晨,当太阳刚刚从远处地平线上升起来的时候,王宫内一处宽敞的房屋里也开始活跃起来。孩子们一边打着哈欠一边将石片瓦罐片搬入房屋。一位老者已先于孩子来到,手里拎着纸草卷、水罐和装笔的木匣。孩子们在房屋内席子上坐下,手持小块尖利的石头,准备听写昨天老师教的内容。当大家都坐好的时候,老者打开纸草卷,声音缓慢却洪亮地读起纸草上的内容:iry pat HAty-a sAb aD-mr it
Previous works have shown that the suction probe cannot be used to accurately measure the upwardand downward particle fluxes independently.A new method using f