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张荣昌,1952年生,上海人。作为老三届学生之一,他于1969年赴黑龙江插队。70年代中期在黑龙江省某师范学校毕业留校任教,先后在师范学校、管理干部学院、党校讲授政治理论、心理学、教育学、行政管理学等课程。2002年他获得行政管理学教授职称。现任中共宁波市委党校行政管理教研室主任、宁波行政学院公共管理研究所副所长兼秘书长、宁波市党校系统案例开发研究小组组长,兼任宁波大学法学院客座教授、宁波市心理咨询师培训中心教授。 Zhang Rongchang, born in 1952, Shanghai. As one of the three old students, he went to Heilongjiang in 1969 to queue up. In the mid-1970s, he graduated from a normal school in Heilongjiang Province to stay in school and taught courses in political theory, psychology, pedagogy and administrative management successively in normal schools, management cadres colleges and Party schools. In 2002 he obtained the title of professor of administration. He is currently the director of the Administrative Office of the Party School of Ningbo Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China, the deputy director and secretary general of the Institute of Public Administration of Ningbo Administration Institute, the leader of the case study and development team of the Party School of Ningbo University, the visiting professor of Law School of Ningbo University and the training center of Ningbo Psychological Counselors professor.
针对阿坝州技术创新工作的指导思想、基本原则、发展目标、战略重点与选择原则、存在的问题、解决问题的对策与措施,提出一些建设性意见和建议,以便加大技术创新力度。 In a
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在成渝两市设立全国统筹城乡综合配套改革试验区,这是国家为推动中西部大发展的重大战略部署,是国家落实科学发展观、推进和谐社会建设的重要举措,其意义重大而深远。 The e
据斯坦福资源公司(Stanford Re(?)ources Inc.)Joseph Castellano报导,1981年世界电子显示器件的销售总额为54亿8千万美元,比1980年增加了3%。Ca(?)tellano预言,在1982年将增