课堂是教育教学工作的主阵地, 2007年11月,我们以解决学困生和学生厌学问题为宗旨,开展了以导学稿为载体、四步导学教学法为模式的新一轮课堂教学改革。导学稿导学稿是以学生的自主、合作为学习方式,以教师的点拨引导为方法,把
The classroom is the main front for education and teaching. In November 2007, we conducted a new round of classroom teaching based on the guide script and the four-step method of conducting teaching as a solution to the problem of studying and studying hard. Teaching Reform. Guidance draft Guidance draft is based on the students’ autonomy, cooperation as a learning method, with the guidance of teachers as a guide,